I had some roommates that were notorious for not putting the dvds back in their cases. It was like a scavenger hunt for the right case.
Everybody have a good weekend? I did… even while trying to recover from a damn stomach flu. Got a lot done granted I missed Thanksgiving at my girlfriends place. I hear they had a killer game of Ron Santos. Don’t ask what that is. It’s a comic in itself….
So Yesterday I put out a call for reader questions that I will answer with a comic. I’ll be looking for questions to put on the list for the next 2 weeks. I’ve got a good buffer going right now plus a surprise for next week so after that I’ll do the Answer comics. So if you’ve got a question leave it in the comics section or leave me it on my Twitter at @IamARG or on the IamARG Facebook Page. I’ve gotten some good ones so far and looking forward to what you guys got. Remember keep em clean.
And that is why I managed to cure my habit by making everything digital and puttingthem in encripted files.
Why is there always a light around your head?
GOOD QUESTION! and yeah most of my stuff is digital too it’s just I like to support filmmakers that make quality stuff…
The… they … they put the porn in the wrong case!
Who does that? No human being should be able to do that. It should give a reaction similar to trying to breathe underwater. Just thinking of it gags me.
It’s fine with a movie or game here and there. But pornography?
That’s inexcusable. On so many levels.
indeed… respect the porn lol
I’ve never owned a porn disk. Considering how much porn my gf and I watch, I suppose that’s a little strange. Maybe (go go digital!).
I do, however, have this problem when it comes to other people’s gaming collections, or anyone touching mine. I have stacks of cases, a bookshelf full, and about two hundred carts, all ordered. Most of the cases themselves are empty (unless they’re special-release, like FFXII’s metal case, which I left the disks in), and organized in binders in various ways, usually by dev team or series, and release date beyond that. I don’t organize anything else this way, and apparently it doesn’t qualify me as OCD, but people who’ve touched my games feel differently, unless they put things back.
I had a roommate that did that too -_-
Luckily I quickly got an Apple TV and all our movies went digital and never had to worry about it again.
Ok, I’m confused. Are you looking for a regular movie, and then after 5 hours give up and watch porn, or do you just have a massive porn collection that for some reason is all mixed up? I’m not sure which would be funnier…
My husband has his movies and games in separate binders, organized alphabetically, and lordy lordy do you not ever want to be caught being the one to put anything back in the wrong place, or upside down. Man o man. Did I just say lordy lordy?
My daughter does this. While it’s awesome that she puts them away instead of letting them sit out and get scratched up… it’s really annoying to open up one of my movies and find Barney instead.
You have almost as many DVD cases as my dad, yet he stays sooo organized. I sometimes switch a few disks just to see his reaction. *delighted sigh* SOOOOO worth the 2 hour lecture afterwards.
Oh, Arg… that’s why God created the internet. No one watches porn on DVD anymore. Silly goose. <3
I disagree. Strongly.
There’s a difference between internet smut and a good pornographic film. For example, I’ve never heard of anyone having an eBook of the Bible just out of principle.
Plus, the money supports the cause.
PLUS. There’s the special features… Porn bloopers are hilarious…
Same thing with video games. What’s worse, though is when people just leave the disk out and it gets ruined.
So basically a movie which made you wonder why you didn’t become a pornstar? xD
Just kidding. I just linked the “masturbation” with the “questioning of life” and came out with Pornstar. Unless your mindsterbating at an intellectual movie. I don’t know.
Also, what’s up with everyones’ immune systems’?! o__o I see everyone with tissues and scarves when I go into town, and I stroll about in a hoodie perfectly healthy and unaffected by this so called “cold weather”. Maybe I’m immune because I prefer colder seasons…hmmm..
Last panel punch line = I snorted laughter. Again.
I can’t believe no one’s brought up the one thing VHS tapes had going for them: their “playback” memory. You always left it at the best part for next time.