If your gonna make it decorative and take away the functionality and practicality of it, at least make it awesome…
Okay I’m giving some people some Pimpage today… The Dudes at Louder Than Bombs have started up again. These guys are super funny and were awesome to me when I first started up I am ARG. Give em some love. Especially Jay, but especially Chris…
So we’ve slipped back in the standings on the Top webcomics standings. It’s cool I haven’t pushed in the last couple of days, so as the saying goes… if you’ve got Two clicks to spare today why not throw em at one of the Vote links on the side bar there. And of course thanks ahead of time.
Been getting lots and lots of great questions for the ARGQUESTIONSTRAVAGANZA! I was also thinking that you guys that don’t get the questions answered in comic form will probably still want answers right? so for that week I’ll answer the ones that didn’t get selected in the blog post so you all get an answer.
Great, now I want that on my bathroom.
well… better start working then!
Ahaha. Pun.
Cue sad trombone…
Nonsense. Puns are great. You could even say they’re “punny” (Ahahaha ohgodwhatiswrongwithme).
The rocket gets toilet paper for you if you run out.
Oops… Didn’t mean to reply to that one with my comment there… :T
I agree wholeheartedly with this strip. fuck curved toilet lids.
shouldn’t it be “dump’s”
fixed! thanks for pointing it out!
Ya know what’s the best decoration for a toilet?
The woods.
“Lord of the brown ring, Fellowship of the Bowls”
You have just inspired a home improvement project… but I confess, I’m not curious as to whether I can make it both awesome *and* flat, for maximum cool-points.
I was feeling all smug about my flat lid and then I saw the last panel D:
The longer I live, the more I realize my life will never truly be complete.
Big help, big help. And supelairtve news of course.
I read this just before I came here for my daily ARG fix;
Instead of this curved top technology nonsense I would like toilet engineers to get on solutions to the seat cover that you can never rest your back on because it’s goddamn cold as ice. 🙁
It DOES suck. You end up only managing to balance one thing, in the CENTER of the curve, but the rest is like “FUCK THIS I’M TO LAZY TO REBEL AGAINST GRAVITY! D:<" and thus, they fall.
And now let us talk about modernization of furniture…"Is it really necessary?" (yeah, I went into show host mode there)
.. and don’t you hate those cute fluffy covers for the toilet seat lid that don’t allow the lid to stay up. For the male of the species that have the luxury of standing while going… it is a pain in the butt (even though that is not the part of the anatomy in use at the time)!!
Don’t sell t-shirts. Sell this.