So I write this joke, draw the comic, post it to the internet ready to be published today and then go in search of funny images for the blog and come across this…
I know it’s hard to come up with original ideas nowadays, especially with how prolific Meme Comics are these days, but it’s still frustrating to find that somebody has come up with the same thing. Oh well. Hopefully my execution is better.
I still have spots open for commissioned art work. Check out the details on my DeviantArt Page and then either leave me a note there or send me an email. So far I’m loving the work i;ve recieved so far, and the roughs i;ve done up are some of my favourite pieces I’ve ever done.
Have a happy weekend guys!
Umm… Arg… your controller is floating… I think it’s haunted.
Also I applaud your non use of the “god mode” cheats, such values are hard to find in today’s gamer population.
shhhhh… I see nothing…
You assume he threw it into the air in disgust. Clearly he just carefully hung it on a hook on the wall, then held his hands near it for a few seconds in case it fell.
If there’s any science that Roadrunner cartoons have taught me is that gravity does not exist until you notice it.
You know, as an atheist it’s difficult to believe that you don’t believe in the laws of physics either. Though amazingly your arms went down on their own this time…
Shhh… don’t tell them that, they get stuck permanently this time.
I don’t think you understand the GRAVITY of that situation.
This post actually raises a good debate on whether something can truly be considered plagiarism if the author hasn’t seen the original work.
The issue though is I have no way to prove that I didn’t see that work before hand. No amount of pleading will equal definitive proof that I didn’t. That’s the sad unfortunate part. You have to take my word for it on faith alone… oddly ironic when you think about the content.
Two people having similar ideas happen all the time and in webcomics more often than we like to admit.
and the controller in the air is because ARG exists in the ARGiverse. where he can hulk up, dicks are rampant and the laws of physics can be bent.
But if you deny ever seeing it, wouldn’t “innocent until proven guilty” shield you from the repercussions? Of course I believe you that you didn’t see the meme before you made this.
The laws of physics can be bent…by his dick.
ye cannae change the laws of physics!
No demi-god mode?
have you seen that cheat code it’s a herculean effort just to enter it… oh me…
[Thinks back to a few strips prior about cheat codes]
Pffft… Herculean…
Well… theoretically invulnerability just makes you omnipotent. God has to be omniscient too, and there`s no cheat code for that friend.
Debug room?
Comments section, thanks for new lines for “GameFAQs tells of the coming of the GODMODE”. Ultra~
Also, IDDQD, bitches~ because gold eyes are awesome.
The eyes always freaked me the crap out. But it was the only way I could survive… because I was 10.
I think your execution was waaaaaay better.
well thank you!
So instead of breaking the controller when you get mad, you just break the laws of physics O.o
YEP! ARG breaking you preconceived notions on how the universe works!
I’m an agnostic gamer. I’m to deep in the bottle to finish this choke……. But I’m sure its in there.
I’ll keep looking.
You’d use the codes if you knew they existed?
I like how her freckles just slowly disappear throughout the strip
Pshaw…. I have NO idea what you’re talking about…. *stealth fix*
*past this
*an atheist
Can’t be sure if you did it on purpose, but I’ll err on the side of correctness.
Usually the GF proofreads. she wasn’t around… so the errors come out to play!
Killing hundreds or thousands of ‘undesirables’ and being praised for it; controlling the game itself whether through settings or simply the power button, and having a beard. Arg my man of good intentions, you Are God! You can’t fight it Arg, it’s like becoming a Body Snatcher hybrid of Luke Skywalker and Buffy Summers; it is your inevitable destiny.
And as for panel four,
Bah dum TSH! indeed…. that scared the crap out me… I forgot how loud my speakers were turned up…
I’m sure if you feel her lumps of goodness, the controller will come back down. There’s precedence. *winkwink**nudgenudge*
it’s only a precedent for the stuck arms.
Andrew….your controller is floating
Hertz hoping I’m not copying a cause my phone is dumb and won’t let me see them
I can tell your phone and you need to work things out…
I’m with you ARG. When you’re in a game (and to take a line from Terry Pratchett’s “The Truth”), it’s onward to death or glory or both!
I’ll admit I usually play games on a lower difficulty… I’m usually around for the story not the challenge but I lose all interest in anything if I’m unkillable…
Same here. Getting to the end on easy (depends on the game) or normal (more preferred) difficulty is satisfying enough (except for something like Diablo 2 where you can’t help but to play on nightmare and Hell difficulty (that’s something I haven’t done in ages…)). Only the obsessive gamer really pursues the “OHMYFUCKINGGOD Super Secret Ending”.
I’ve always hated cheats I have friends who hack games just to “get all the items” and stuff and it annoys me because it sucks out the fun! p.s. I’m curious are you a strictly 2d man or do you 3d stuff? I ask because of the rendering joke you made a while back.
I’ve done both. Most of my Professional experience is in 3D using Maya. But I’ve animated in Flash and Toonboom before. I miss 2D and I’m gonna try and get some more 2D stuff under me belt.
I find it amusing that you decry god mode cheats after making a comment about the Justin Bailey one(though it would have been even better after the Konami Code Strip).
As a side note, actual God Mode type games should have a Normal mode cheat.
did i really make a comment on using the justin bailey code? I just made Justin bailey real and then turned him into samus.
I love how fallout NV has a survival mode. too bad the game wasn’t as good as fallout 3.
You are the first person I’ve heard say that. Wouldn’t know, haven’t actually popped that game into my system yet.
You may say no god mode but there’s other cheats that can be played. like turn off gravity.
free manipulation of your physical enviroment is just science
It’s better to tough it out than resort to cheat codes. What would you consider looking up a strategy online? I will do that if stuck on something for a few days.
would that be like asking God for help?
I call looking up a solution to a problem…. scientific research…
Your joke is far superior to the poster and way to offend physics! Cheers!
Thanks! CHEERS!
… says the guy who practiced the universal game cheat on his girlfriend.
wait, that comment was by me. Sushi used my computer.
if you read the second title of today’s comic it clearly states the konami code is A OKAY!
I know, but I find the exception… uneasy.
Awww, just when I found the perfect church for you!
LOL now that was Good!! Made my day. 😀
Just a second – is your girlfriend crocheting? Because otherwise it worries me that she just HAPPENS to carry around small poking sticks on the off chance someone needs poked. Actually, I think that’s a practice I may take up.
Physics? please i’m a game controller!
If you can do a joke better, then do so.