Today’s guest comic comes courtesy of Ty Halley of “The Secret Life of a Journal Comic”. This is pretty much how a conversation between me and Ty goes. I heartily recommend checking out his comic. He’s got the same aversion to color I do so it’s nice to know I’m not the only one. So please send him some love I really enjoy Ty’s work and you should too.
I had my MRI yesterday and I won’t get the results till some time late this week or next week but the fact that I’m not in pain is a promising thing. It basically eliminates a lot of things and it becomes most likely an anxiety and stress situation. Which I can see it being.
You look like a crack addict in this guy’s art style…
Great guest strip and your art is top notch!
Pedant Alert!
2nd frame, 4th speech bubble. The word “KNOW” is missing..
and keep ticking.
WOO! Cool to see two of my favourite webcomics collide. Nice!
ARG, you’ve been putting in heaps these past few weeks/months (particularly during the “Le Chapeau” arc), and now with the whole marriage thing… hopefully this week will let you recharge some of those batteries (either that, or I just strap you to a lightning rod to give you a jolt).
Maybe its a non lethal brain tumor that gives you super powers
Anything else would suck, and I hope its nothing serious