Have some illness induced mini comics…
If today is the end of the world I want you all to know one thing…
If there’s time for a second thing It would have to be Lynn, I love you.
and if I can squeeze in a third thing it would probably have to be I love all you guys!
So I’m still pretty weak right now but I’m recovering. Thanks for all the “get well”s and “get well”s disguised as “get back to work”!
Happy end of the world!
I want my last pay check in caps.
I can’t wait to turn on the radio today and hear R.E.M. a thousand times.
Anyways, hope you feel better, Arg.
Remember, the key to a healthy body is a healthy diet.
ARG! You expected life to be like Fallout 3 not having a Pip-boy? What where you thinking?
In the End of the World Orgy’s first panel, is it just me or does Lynn seem to have one massive boob?
Nothing is ever like Fallout 3…
My ‘holiday’ orgy is apocalypse themed this year, but after seeing your comic I kinda wished I *had* gone toga again this year (last toga run was ’07, and it was a blast). I also found out that, in my group of friends, I am one of four (out of twelve) who know all the lyrics to “it’s the end of the world as we know it”…
Pretty neat day, looking forward to gaming all day (Vampire, with werewolf LARP tonight) and an awesome night.
Hope you get better, I’ll introduce your comic to the lot to make sure they’ve seen it… it’s the least I could do~
Oh, will this planet just blow up already?
I hate waiting!
You know its the end of the world when Arg doesn’t have a beard
Video Games they lie.
I don’t know why but while I was reading today’s comic my mind automatically thought that, what if the world did end, and the only thing that remained was a crudely drawn picture of a dick, would anyone who found that (either aliens, grossly mutated cockroaches, or whatever) think that they were some kind of ship or structure (depending of course on what level of technology they have)…
God I’m weird…..
Stop getting sick every day!
As a friend of mine would say…
There will probably be small spike in the birth rate about nine months from now.
Listen, I’ve been keeping an bookmark to your webpage, the main page now, for like, fucking ever, and now it leads to a bunch of advertisements for other comics I don’t give two fucking shits about.
Especially Girls with Slingshots.
In conclusion, don’t just change the url to your front page, that’s bullshit.
Uh … get well soon.
Arg without a beard? It must be the end of the world!!!
This pretty much sums up yesterday: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s480x480/537661_304927862958424_20249542_n.jpg
That’s three apocalypses in the past two years.
I blame Mayan Interns on getting the date wrong. When was the last time any intern got anything right??
In the 5th frame, why the hell does she have one tit? That’s messed up!