Hahaha, my sister and I had a running joke with our cousin that he was a “pretty pretty princess”. It went so far as for gag Christmas gifts, we’d give him barbies. <3.
Later, I realized I was omnisexual, so it worked out pretty well.
I don’t CD often, but my friend did have me as the “flower girl” (pink tutu over my bondage pants and Quake Icon shirt) in his wedding… so I’m not opposed to it, heh.
Nah, I’d just like to say that it’s a bit ironic. You are, in essence, a statue of a rhino. I guess that what I’m trying to say is that eternal animal boners here, appears to be making a jab at the MLP: FIM franchise, and namely the people that follow it.
There once was a pretty princess,
Whose mind could use a few rinses.
Then one day she cracked,
On Arg’s head she had snacked,
And in hindsight, blamed some bad incense.
haha Nice return of Lynn… Anyways, there’s one easy way out… Go get a better one and ask her again, as she is about to get mad add “Cause to me, you are a queen” then show her the new one… All is fixed and two brownie points awarded!
Hahaha, my sister and I had a running joke with our cousin that he was a “pretty pretty princess”. It went so far as for gag Christmas gifts, we’d give him barbies. <3.
My nickname is Barbie, due to a hairdye accident.
Later, I realized I was omnisexual, so it worked out pretty well.
I don’t CD often, but my friend did have me as the “flower girl” (pink tutu over my bondage pants and Quake Icon shirt) in his wedding… so I’m not opposed to it, heh.
Omnisexual = You’re capable of having sex with everyone at the same time?
I’m pansexual myself, I just think omnisexual is a rather interesting choice of synonym for it.
HA reminds me of my older brother.
And there’s a typo in the second panel, good sir! Tis “because”.
Is the copyright supposed to be 2012?
heh, I’ll fix that when I get home tonight.
Maybe that whole conditioner/shampoo affair did have an unforeseen effect and shot ARG back in time a year!
At least she’s not a….. brony. (hate commence)
Nah, I’d just like to say that it’s a bit ironic. You are, in essence, a statue of a rhino. I guess that what I’m trying to say is that eternal animal boners here, appears to be making a jab at the MLP: FIM franchise, and namely the people that follow it.
Recently saw a picture of the real you as your Twitter avatar – I must say you really cleaned yourself up for the cartoon!
Never question women’s fashion.
Pretty princess who will piss on your still beating heart if you don’t shit up!
Work it, Girl!
There once was a pretty princess,
Whose mind could use a few rinses.
Then one day she cracked,
On Arg’s head she had snacked,
And in hindsight, blamed some bad incense.
haha Nice return of Lynn… Anyways, there’s one easy way out… Go get a better one and ask her again, as she is about to get mad add “Cause to me, you are a queen” then show her the new one… All is fixed and two brownie points awarded!
At least it was Lynn not you claiming to be a pretty princess
You should make something along the lines of, “The many faces of ARG!”
I’m not sure if this comic could be better… the only possible way would be if you and lynn swapped roles