I’ve been playing The Last of Us lately and while it’s a great game, sometimes the ally AI is a little… wonky. Thankfully Naughty Dog doesn’t punish us for it. But it does kinda kill the imersion when your partner is running infront of sensitive one hit kill enemies. Also have some Brick fan art. Also, Apparently Penny Arcade made the exact same comic…
All the survivors have gathered and taken refuge at the I am ARG facebook page.
Also… two of my favourite directors have finally released a trailer for The LEGO MOVIE. Discuss it’s awesomeness in the comments.
I hope animated comic strips become a more often thing.
They will be…
I bet the GIF palette limit really sucks – indexed color blows! Goodbye smooth gradients, hello nasty solarization and/or dithering.
We need an animated PNG format or something.
yeah. fortunately most of the work I do is grayscale. but sometimes the dithering blows.
There is a animated PNG format known as MNG, but it is not supported by most programs
Yeah It’s the Last of something
Sorry for the trivia but I got a few questions:
Can you do me a favor Arg and post a link to either the game or it’s trailer when you post a comic relating to a game? That would be great.
How long do you spend getting links for random words?
And weren’t you going to have a new site design ready by now?
Sorry for bothering you, but these are important questions
I just beat this game earlier today. It was definitely a sweet experience. I’m not particularly bothered by the fact that the AI can run right into Clickers and never be noticed and such cuz I generally suck at stealth anyway and I did well in this game only BECAUSE they couldn’t get noticed.
I am in lesbians with that game! I think it’s hella funny when some companions hide right in front of the enemy and start moving back and forth like it’s cover x3
Woot Scott pilgrim reference! Haven’t tried the game yet but it’s on my list.
She also swears like a sailor.
This… This is just delightful….
I love her spaghetti arms!
Nice job on making clickers look disturbing.
Looks like you and Mike Krahooooolick are on the same wave length.
At least here Andrew has the decency to say what game he is making a joke about.
The details for Penny Arcade are almost always in the news section, which inevitably gets written after the comic is posted.
Hah, awesome! I so want to play this game and at the same time, I don’t want to play it at all.
it’s a great game, you;ll love it, walter.
You should send it to PA and show them you did it better 😛
Wow, Penny Arcade and I Am Arg put out remarkably similar comics at the same time. Low hanging fruit, this game provides 😛
How about the fact that Joel takes a ton of pills, and eats all the food, and leaves Ellie to starve through out the game. That’s how he get’s even. She makes noise, he makes her starve.
Ctrl-Alt-Del Didn’t put a comic up about it, but he talked about this same thing in the blog post attached to todays strip.
Will you ever do a tutorial on how you make it animated ???? 😉
I probably will!
Too bad this game’s a PS3 exclusive :-[
I wanna play it.
I wouldn’t say it’s worth getting a PS3 just for this, but…. This, plus the Kingdom hearts that came out, plus inFamous… It’s worth it now.