Thanks for inadvertently reminding me why I make a point to tell a girl she looks great considering the work they put into it. Also, I wonder how painful that is.
Sometimes she is good, if it involves helping the congress of trees, or opposing Arcane. Swampthing has been trying for years to make her understand the mutual need of plants and animals for one another, with mixed success.
I like that there’s not even a description for this comic…
I am inclined to agree.
pretty much. she’s in my top 3 with bane and harley quinne in my opinion. this is pretty disconcerting however
We can say she is … trimming the edges !
I’ve always found Poison Ivy to be one of the more sensual Batman villains. After this? Not so much! :p
I don’t think I even want to know what she’s chopping off on the last panel.
She always grows a bit of a woody when she showers.
Thanks for inadvertently reminding me why I make a point to tell a girl she looks great considering the work they put into it. Also, I wonder how painful that is.
Trimming the bush
So you could say.. it’s a jungle down there?
I wouldn’t mind having a salad about now.
I don’t see what everyone is complaining about. This is an accurate representation of what is it like to shave after a long period of time.
2nd frame should be animated where hair falls out over and over with the trimmer going up and down over and over!
She needs some defoliant.
LOL, loved it! Poison Ivy is my fave villain too 🙂
Sometimes she is good, if it involves helping the congress of trees, or opposing Arcane. Swampthing has been trying for years to make her understand the mutual need of plants and animals for one another, with mixed success.
I’ve got this mental image of Forrest Gump, sitting on a bench, saying, “Mama always said, ‘Keep your thorn out of the sticker bush.'”
has any one noticed that all the female villains are really pale?
Yea, nope, still Hot :I