Lynn consistently threatens the end of our relationship. But now we’ll have lawyer up.
I’d like to thank Lynn for writing today’s comic. It’s nice to just draw.
Check out the ARG Facebook page for all the latest info and check out my twitter feed @IamARG for nothing important what so ever.
Now you will see female power, TRUE POWER, UNLIMITED POWER!! MUHAHAHAHAA
so an orgasm?
the fact they can have more than one in quick succession. Those lucky bastardets! And I shouldn’t have shown this to the wife. Now everything is, “Choice A, or Divorce.” Thanks Arg, THANKS A LOT!
So that means mint hot coca is out of the question? Sorry to hear that.
Oh no, mini marshmallow hot chocolate is just the base.
OMG! Lynn will be single again in the near future since Arg will, of course, get the wrong hot chocolate! π
Lynn, once you’ve dumped him, I’m available. π
ha, I’m not giving up that fast.
For the love of cheese, just do as she says man!!!
I always do.
What’s the big exaggeration over exactly?
I wonder what divorce tastes like?
Oh, well, in that case get the mini-marshmallows.
Mini-marshmellows for everyooooone
Stock and be saved.
Oh, I forgot that some people like the cereal marshmallows way more than the craft cocoa ones so I give you cereal mallows by the oz or the pound
I could totally see ARG! getting the 95 lb bag
A lesson learned. Never go grocery shopping with your wife, significant other, main squeeze, girlfriend with benefits or anyone else that is sexually desirable and can control you with it.
LOL I Want That Chocolate π
Blech. I’d rather take the divorce.
Those mini-marshmallows that come packaged with the hot cocoa are so dry and stale. You’re better off just adding your own.
Not stale – they are dehydrated. Read the ingredient list on the package. But if you have the Homer Simpson need for instant gratification goo for the bulky jet puffed ones with the extra cornstarch.
If there isn’t marshmallows in hot cocoa, then it’s just hot shit.
there’s a kind with candy cane chunks in it too, now
I’m telling Lynn that you cheated on her with a cup of mini-marshmallow-free hot chocolate. Okay, maybe it wasn’t you, but I saw someone drinking that swill.