It’s the only way our kids are going to be able to survive under our Google overlords.
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It’s the only way our kids are going to be able to survive under our Google overlords.
Check out the ARG Facebook Page for all the latest info and follow me on twitter @IamARG where I discuss the finer points to passing gas.
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Caltrops? Pfffft. Try Legos with poisoned pincushions attached. Much better.
ah I remember the story behind my first step
I took my first wobbly step and then fell into the glass coffee table
still have the scar above my right eye
ah the days before safety glass
I bumped into things all the time as a baby, didn’t do me any flarngh
That pillow is extremely suspicious. It’s colored. Y’know what else is colored in this comic? The caltrops, the poison and the fire. And yes, I know that the caltrops are gray. They still have that “colored” look about them. Now, I’m not racist, but…
I still hit my head on sharp corners…
Looks more like baby proving grounds to me.
Yes, these funny metal spikes are nothing compared to box of lego spreaded in the middle of the room
Parts of it are actively on fire! It’s like DETROIT in there!
I survived similar stuations as a kid. Except it was lava, not poison.
lol well said about google in that description. I never used anything from them but gmail and youtube, everything else from them (which I prefer for apple instead) sucks from them.