Lynn’s Grandpa is a huge fan of the comic, but he’s concerned with the language coming out of his sweet grand daughters mouth…
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hahaha, the perceived innocence of family members
Poor ARG
I actually found this really sweet. Until I saw the sweatdick that is.
Could be sweat ovaries, canal and tubes…
I love how the grandpa is chillin while ARG is dying of sweat.
So sad that your Father-in-law has a much better condition than you do.
If you stay that fit where an old geezer can beat you, you won’t last 5 more years and we can claim Lynn. So, we’re not complaining. 🙂
But how could we compare to ARG? I mean his cencor bar is no exaggeration.
Aww, it’s ok. Of course my Pops is beating him, Pops is only in his 90s.
Lynn does say some off the cuff remarks, but that’s part of the reason that we love her! 🙂
He reads the comic every day? Should someone tell him it only updates 3 times a week?
He doesn’t say anything about the cleavage? Interesting how she’s buttoned up in this comic compared to the previous ones.
Well, she IS visiting grandpa and playing tennis 😀
When I visit Pops now, he often asks “How are your boobs?”. Oh, Papa.
That reminds me… How are the Boobs doing today? We all love the twins. 🙂
Any idea what the age range of your fans span? I mean are most your age or is a small portion much older than you?
Woah, the first time he came across a dick joke must’ve been awkward. The more so the second time, less so for the third and then progressively less awkward and being desensitized by drawings of dick shaped objects.
I think he’s pissed off that Lynn’s NOT swearing enough, goddammit!
You can’t please everyone. Life as it ages just like us, it’s called being upgraded.