I’ve wanted to get a dog for a long time… but Lynn hates to clean up poop. THEN WHY DID YOU MARRY ME THEN?
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Honestly couldn’t see you getting any other breed.
In Germany it’s called daCHShund (so not the omnipresent “sch” in the middle).
I’m not 100% sure if the translation is correct, if you want more german words contact me, i could hook you up to nice stuff like Waffel, Schnitzel, Weltschmerz or even Doonaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft
I remember the latter from school xD
It’s also dachshund in english, ARG just can’t spell so good.
My bad!
This had me dying he second I got the joke good stuff Arg btw I got my book and I loved the femshep you drew me
I think that’s possibly the strangest looking dog I’ve seen outside of Cartoon Network!
I didn’t think you would have been a dog person.
Aye. You didn’t /actually/ get a dog, did you?
I’m totally a dog guy. and No we didn’t “Actually” get a dog.
We own two, and your artistry there pretty much sums up the obscene amounts of cuteness
Okay apparently I need to rewatch Mean Girls.
I wish I could be this creative when it came to coming up with pet names. I go with stuff like naming my fox: Mozilla.
This is perfect.
I want a dog with that attitude. Imagine a face like that.
Background picture says ‘PRENANT’. I’m sure the quote had a G in it.