He gave me some ether, but I can’t remember what happened to it…
Wouldn’t an Ether just restore your PP? Oooh…. y’know they make Viagra for that right?
If it lasts for 4 or more turns, please report it in the bug forums
If more medicines were actually called mana potions, I wonder if people would take them more often (as prescribed) or if it would be easier to get children to drink them if they taste bad.
Usually I just ask them to use Cleanse Spirit.
Oh I wish that was true!
ha! I wish. I guess the only real cure for that is to figure out where the anxiety’s coming from…
A low mana pool?
Sure, mana potion…oh, and your weekly crate of Phoenix Down arrived.
What you need is a basic Cure Potion.
I think I’m going to start calling my Sertraline “Mana Capsules” now….
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Wouldn’t an Ether just restore your PP?
Oooh…. y’know they make Viagra for that right?
If it lasts for 4 or more turns, please report it in the bug forums
If more medicines were actually called mana potions, I wonder if people would take them more often (as prescribed) or if it would be easier to get children to drink them if they taste bad.
Usually I just ask them to use Cleanse Spirit.
Oh I wish that was true!
ha! I wish. I guess the only real cure for that is to figure out where the anxiety’s coming from…
A low mana pool?
Sure, mana potion…oh, and your weekly crate of Phoenix Down arrived.
What you need is a basic Cure Potion.
I think I’m going to start calling my Sertraline “Mana Capsules” now….