I’m like, a wordsmith or something… I guess… Maybe. Maybe not.
Thank god for Lynn or you would end up in a burlap sack somewhere in Yemen
We have a lot of dabbers, dobbers and doohickeys in our house. Actually, I think that’s all we have!
No thingamabobs or thingamajigs? You must have some of those somewhere…
We do have doofers and wotsits lying around somewhere!
Every time of my life…
As Steve Martin once said, “Some people have a way with words; other people no have way.”
I like to say “It’s has do thing” when I’m tongue-tied. It’s a catch-all phrase that was born of a terribly typo.
Your brainthoughts allow you to word well and make perfect sense. You want the thing.
This comic reminded me of the Hippo from Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law.
Must have spent too much time with Lynn learning from the tip of the tongue comic.
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Mar 27-29thEmerald City Comic Con
April 16th-19th Calgary Comic Expo
Jul 24-26th ConBravo
Sep 3rd-6th Fanexpo
Thank god for Lynn or you would end up in a burlap sack somewhere in Yemen
We have a lot of dabbers, dobbers and doohickeys in our house. Actually, I think that’s all we have!
No thingamabobs or thingamajigs? You must have some of those somewhere…
We do have doofers and wotsits lying around somewhere!
Every time of my life…
As Steve Martin once said, “Some people have a way with words; other people no have way.”
I like to say “It’s has do thing” when I’m tongue-tied. It’s a catch-all phrase that was born of a terribly typo.
Your brainthoughts allow you to word well and make perfect sense. You want the thing.
This comic reminded me of the Hippo from Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law.
Must have spent too much time with Lynn learning from the tip of the tongue comic.