Really now… I used to love me the cake. but damn if my animator ass hates it.
I want to take a minute just sit right there while a mention a website called HATEFARM (NSFW). ages ago just before I went to college, I used to read a webcomic called Mall Monkeys. I used to freaking love that comic. Then I went to college and kinda stopped reading webcomics. when I started up ARG I came across Hatefarm and wouldn’t you know it the talented Eric Drobile from Mall Monkeys was drawing it. It’s nice to see him back doing webcomics again. I recommend checking out HateFarm. It’s super funny.
I had 5o’clock shadow at that age too… boy was a pitied xD
Man.. my birthday just ended /6 minutes ago/ and I didn’t get a single slice of cake! YOU APPRECIATE THAT CAKE RIGHT NOW AND FEAST UPON THE SUGARY GLORY! [AlsoyourcomicisutterlyfantasticbythewayjustthoughtI’dmention:D]
happy birthday! [Thankyouforlikingthecomicit’sveryniceofyoutosayso]
I’ve offended people at birthday parties for not eating cake. I hate things smothered in frosting bleck
yeah I always seem to get weird looks because of it.
A comics about cake on my birthday?
What are the odds?
Happy Exodus from the Womb.
Pie > Cake. That is all.
especially if it’s lemon meringue pie
I’m kinda sad now that I don’t just blow all of my money on toys like I wanted to when I was a kid.
what’s stopping you…
Is it bad that I didn’t even question the shadow on younger ARG’s face?
I absolutely love your comic. Everything is so real. :3
And I feel the same way about cake, but I always have.. If I get any, I just eat some of the frosting and then mush it around to make people feel better about it.
lol thanks. I don’t know about real, I mean there’s tons of hyperbole.
That furrowed brow in panel two, I too have been bested by sugary confections.
bested, yes…
Alas older ARG, the cake was a lie..
Excess frosting is best scraped off and given as an offering to win the favor of a young child with a hot sister or attractive single mother.
it’s true! It’s how I get everybodies mom
I know how you feel. What I do is take a bite of the cake and then realize it tastes good. Then I eat more. And then it’s gone.
Younger you has some nice facial hair, by the way.
yeah he really knew how to keep it back then.
Beaten up by your younger self, it’s like a psychiatrist’s wet dream, now if only we could incorporate your mother into it.
Also, boob cake; that is all.
I’m literally picturing a psychiatrist having a wet dream about my younger self…. ew…..
I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to side with your younger self…
IT’S FREAKING CAKE!!! I have never let sugary deliciousness best me yet (and yes, I have endured digestive ailments due to that, but be damned if it’s not worth it).
I hear ya…
As someone allergic to milk now, that’s not an issue…
But until I had realized that, I would gorge myself on cake until I’d get sick… and then I’d be excited I have more food.
binge and purge!
Look at all these visitors on my comic! It’s almost like they’re expecting an enjoyable experience. We sure fooled them! *high five* Hey ARGies, next weeks comic is going to star ARG himself, and maybe a certain missus ARG. It’s gonna be a hoot. And probably X rated.
Depends on how you define enjoyable.
Who am I kidding, you’re probably the only webcartoonist who I physically can’t read through their archive in one sitting.
This is mostly how I felt about cake… when I was a child. It’s only gotten worse as I get older.
one year i got a cookie cake a shape of a guitar but the person made the head look like a dick. my friends and i took a lot of bj pictures with it. Also you should hide a drawing of a badger humping a bag of doritos in one of your comics.
Lol, I love cake but I’ll be damned if I have the metabolism for it >.>
Also, I finally figured out how to vote!
The highlight of my 16th birthday? I ate a dog treat. Aging becomes a horrific process.