Yep It’s true! Today is my birthday… I’m one year older and still acting like a 14 year old… I say that’s pretty good.
I wracked my brain over the execution of this strip. In fact I wrote it 6 different ways and drew it three times. Ultimately I went back to my original and depressing version. There’s something funny about tragedy sometimes…
And for those saddened by that last panel, just think of that rope as my penis and I’m doing chinups! EXERCISE!
Tonight I’m gonna go eat some steak and hang out (not like in the comic though) with friends. Don’t worry though, there will still be a comic on friday!
Feel free to leave birthday wishes in the comments, on the I AM ARG FACEBOOK PAGE or on my Twitter at @IamARG.
Have a great day! I know I will!
Happy birthday Mr. Arg
Now go get wasted
will do!
I’m just gonna pretend that the rope is actually the silhouette of your arm and it’s just really long for some reason… and I guess you’re working out…
.. no, that’s not even funny, nevermind.
It’s my penis… I’m doing chinups…
Oh man, a legit tear sprouted from my eye. Then I read your blog post. Then all was well. If you ever need a hug I will drive up to Canada and hug you.
I assure you I am of sound mind and quite happy. I just wanted to do something different.
Anyways, happy birthday!
lol thanks!
Congratulations, sir! The comic is decent, but it’s the suicide puns that keep me coming back!
lol, I’ll make a note of that!
I would have hoped you would have done this in a closet while masturbating.
definitely would have been more shameful.
Dude! Happy birthday!
Depressing comic… but I hope the day turns out super.
Oh it will, steak and beer later… That’s like two of my favourite things.
Perfectly done…. Happy Birthday
finally… something funny. happy birthday/dethday us!
happy birthday/dethday to us!
Happy birthday man! not to long ago I turned 18, so now I guess I’ll grow to be old like you lol
If that is your penis then you’re very well hung.
You deserve a prize for that pun.
Happy new year in your life.
I feel sorry for the cake. It looks untouched. Why buy it if it’s only decoration?
The cake was obviously a lie.
Happy birthday dear Andrew, happy birthday to you ~
(And good luck with your exercising)
Happy Birthday Sir!
Happy Birthday, ARG!
Don’t kill yourself just yet – check your gmail!
Don’t get depressed, Im heading towards 50… anyway… One year older means your another year further away from the pain of birth.
eventually you’l get over it..
Happy birthday from all wierdos here in the south hemisphere! Keep drawing!
Happy birthday, Mr ARG!
Happy Birthday! May you live and draw these fantastic comics for a long time to come!
Happy Thursday!
Happy Birthday to my favorite webcomic author/illustrator!
Have a good one~
Happy birthday dude! Well done pushing out a comic on your birthday!
Happy Birthday to you sir! More birthdays = More ARG! May you have a hundred more!
Happy Birthday you sexy man!
Happy Birthday mate. dont hang your self total waste of talent and raw manliness
Way to Level Up!
Happy hanging birthday.
Happy efen birthday mang! Beautiful comic today.
Happy Birthday man!
Bummer, someone already made the “well hung” joke…
Well damn.
Happy Birthday, ARG, and thanks for all the smiles ^__^
Happy birthday, you strange, strange person. Enjoy your chinups!
Happy Birthday Arg!!! I hope you get rockets for your birthday
Although without the week of arms in the air.
Happy Birthday Good Sir! I hope you find the joy you’ve given us with your comics returned to you on this fine day!
Happy birthday! I’ll take that cake, thank you VERY much…
Happy Birthday Andrew. I hope you had a really great day. Also, I’m glad your birthday is still far enough away from Christmas that you don’t get shafted by it (additionally, is Toronto uncharacteristically not-wintery as Ottawa?)
I know i sang happy birthday and gave you a hug and everything, but if you promise not to hang yourself with your penis ,I’ll never do it again.
Happy belated birthday! Glad you had a great day yesterday. Enjoy cake and merriment!
Happy Belatered birthday. Now how was the auto-eroticism???
when i saw the last panel i made a sound no unlike a wounded cat
You’re birthday is fairly close to Christmas. Did anyone ever just get you presents for one day and ignore the other?
I don’t believe it, but I actually made a spelling error. My perfectionist side shall forever torment me.