Oh friendship, it’s wonderful.
So yeah, some of you may have seen a Lo-fi version of this strip on Wednesday. It was apart of my Hourly Comics day stravaganza.Which I posted to my Twitter(@IamARG) and the I am ARG facebook Page. Basically for those that don’t know. Hourly comics day is where you draw a panel for a comic for every hour you’re awake and then post the results. I decided that my life is AWESOME and filled with video games and documented the whole thing. 17 full multipanel strips, written that day and posted an hour after wards.
Today’s strip was one such event. Me and Scorp (I call him Scorp, cuz we’re such good buds) were hanging and I was too far away. So he told me to get over there. So I did. And we hanged.
I liked this one so much that I decided that a lo fi version wasn’t good enough and wanted to UPGRADE it to ARG status. Some other funny crap happened that day too. So a couple of my favourites will be recieving the nice and proper treatment and then posted to the site for all to see!
For the WHOLE ONE OF YOU(*Cough* Carson Green*cough* )that is dissapointed that there’s not a NEW comic today, I did a Guest Spot over at LAWLS. If you like Boobies and stuff you should check it out. PLUS IT’S IN FUCKIN’ COLOUR! Give it and Denis some love. Because that dude is awesome and deserves your love.
Have a great weekend everybody.
I love this.
Me too!
Almost looks like that’s a separate floating finger in the first panel O.o
Kinda does lol.
Why look at that, Mr. ARG isnt a bitter old man like i thought he was!
I can be pleasant too
Ggod damn this is brilliant.
Lol Thanks James! I like it too.
So glad you turned this into an official strip. Made me laugh so much when I read it yesterday!
The trees in the background are like “whats he doing?” which I find hilarious
Now all we need is the voice yelling, “Friendship!”
HAHA now that would be great
I see… Scorpion wanted to share the invisible pot of coffee (or tea, I don’t know Scorpion that well at all), and wanted to know if ARG wanted 1 or 2 sugars.
That’s a pretty cool one.
Scorp, loves his Irish Breakfast tea.
O yeah, you went there…politely…like a typical Canadian.
All I need now is a box of timbits and a double double for him.
Dollars to doughnuts Subzero is meeting up with Gra, Reptile’s hangin’ with Brandon, and Lynn is hooking up with Sonya Blade and Kitana…Vaginally. (=.=)
OH… Lesbian jokes….
Yes. I was inspired by your guest strip.
A little kindness goes a long way.
takes a while to get there, but it’s worth it.
I’d have never expected that. Epic random 4tw
I love me some random.
Wait… there was no putting noises!
I’m walking… putts only come from jogging or a run.
Making friends is fun and easy!
I read all the comic and I wish I hadn’t because now I want to read more >.<
This is wonderful in its simplicity.
This has been one of favorite strips in a long time. If I hadn’t mentioned it already.
Hey Arg, I became a fan fairly recently and I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your comics and your random silliness. It’s nice to take a break from my often overly-serious day and laugh at dick jokes.
This one in particular made me giggle–both when I saw it on your Facebook and when you redid it.
A Thoroughly Entertained Fan
Thanks! I’m happy to have you as a new reader. I hope I keep making you laugh! CHEERS!
Eh… I wish Scorpion threw his hand-rope thingy at you and you cock-blocked it…
so scorpion just needed a good friend to get over the death of his clan
This is how you survive a Mortal Wombat tournament.