My Best friend and I have this game where we try to catch each other off guard and hit each other in the crotch. Does it hurt? Yep! Is it juvenile and immature? Most certainly is!
So I’ve started working on the cover for the book! It’s exciting to finally start getting this thing together.
Here’s the start to the rough. It’s going to be gray scale with red and it’ll be a wrap around cover.
I’ll keep posting updates to it as I go along.
I’m going to offer it as a print as well, once it’s done and sell that in the store once that’s up and running.
Well he ain’t gonna piss strait for a week.
Played that game from grades 6 through 8. Good times…
Wait the only way you could break it if he had a bo……….. Never mind
Hand has a mind of its own gotta watch out for that
would it be possible to ship buy the book, and get it shiped to Norway?
I’m fairly certain I’ll be able to ship it to norway. I’m uncertain of the cost. but I believe there’s very little trouble getting it there.
Joy! <3
found the hidden penis (Panel 2, left of Arg)
Any e-formats in the late future?
I’m thinking about offering ebooks later after the book is released.
Not any bash on you, but I had a friend who thought it’d be funny to do this to me, at work, because “Without games like this, work gets boring”. He was rather unpleasantly surprised that *I* thought the game was to deal as much damage as possible before being undiscovered… so I had his car towed, which got him fired, which lost him his gf, which lost him his car. He’s still pretty pissed about it.
Pro-tip: If you’re going to play a game with me and refuse to explain the rules because “Clearly [you] know what this is, everyone does it”, don’t be surprised if I think that it’s “Torment each other like highschool kids pull pranks” instead of “we like punching each other in the dicks because we have no sense of empathic morality, or worse, we do and we’re masochistic”, because the former makes more sense to me.
Some people say I have a hard time relating to other people. While this may be true, I’ve always wondered if it’s really me who doesn’t make sense.
no worries. we don’t really prank each other and we never go further than this. Honestly it’s like a light slap in the crotch that just stings for a couple of minutes. I just dressed it up more for the comic. We’d never take it any further than that.
Nah, I don’t fear you… you seem like a pretty awesome guy in all rights. Just some people are idiots is all~
He got oneshot.
Yeah got a few mates who still play that.
Theres a sick sense of satisfied amusement we girls feel when watching guys do that to each other hahaha….untill your bf gets nutted…then its like someones trying to brake our favorite toy and we get mad DX lol.