Happy day after valentine’s day.
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A sign you really need more sleep: “What’s the green and white one?” Luigi with a fire flower?
As a single, I have none of these problems. >:)
You just have different ones.
As an asexual… not really.
This means asexuality come with no problems what so ever? (I mean if you don’t have these problems and you don’t have different problems either….) [/nitpick]
Flower petals everywhere!!
What is this?!? No hidden penis? How very unlike you Arg.
Is it sad that we paid more attention to the lack of a hidden dick than to the actual comic?
tsk tsk… not looking hard enough…
Hahaha i found it! Theres mister Wang in there! :p
It’s looking at someone!
You cheated… >_>’
The bollock be there, found him meself
we sauce, I already found it “D
I can’t find Mr. Happy in this one.
Found him quickly lol. He looks happy to not be in the wrong panel lol
Well surprised and not sad lol
Nice job hiding Mr. Happy this round. Side note, should I be worried or intrigued about panel two cause I’m into that kind of thing.
Oh, Mr Happy is there, look a little harder….hehehehe…….
on another note, allergic swelling reactions to rose petals can be interesting for both parties involved….She got tighter, and i got bigger…..screw enzyte!
LOL… hate to say it… but that’s funny.
Valentines Day=meh.
Forever Alone! :'(
I thought green and white were the minty ones. Oh geez…oh geez
Only if they’re supposed to be in there.
What is happening in secund panel?
When life attacks man………..
Could someone explain what green and white means?
More specifically… That’s (usually) penicillin! Antibiotics, basically.
Also, ARG, the high sugar content of your average chocolate would not be welcoming to mold. Any bacteria that touches pure sugar cannot live on it as sugar absorbs all the water from the cells by osmosis. That’s why you never see mold in jam, and for the matter, in almost all chocolates.
I thought you were a man of science, sir. :p
You haven’t hung out around enough jam jars. Trust me, I’ve seen some seriously moldy jam.
Interesting. I’ve had jams for months without ever molding. (Always in the fridge though.)
OH yeah if anyone has the whole eating chocolate syrup off of one another idea, here is a free lil tip from your buddy bear. DON’T!!!
If only herpes where like rose petals…
So is the second panel a reference to James Bond?
Mmmmkay. Casino Royale in the second panel. Looks painful :C