Today we take a trip back to the before the beginnings of Lynn and ARG’s relationship and witness one of ARG’s failed attempts to court Lynn.
I haven’t pimped out the various places around the net that you can subscribe for up to the minute ARGness. There’s the I am ARG facebook group, My Deviant art page where I post other artwork I do and My Twitter account @IamARG (which is probably the best way to talk to me.) I post regularly there and those are the best ways to get the most recent info about the comic and anything else I’m working on.
Speaking of working on stuff, remember Vas Deferens? Well I’ve been toying around with the idea of making putting it on it’s own site and expanding the format to be more like a comic book page rather than a sunday newspaper serial style I have going now. It means re-doing the first couple of strips and expanding the story a bit. It really gives me an opportunity to play in the world a bit more. I feel like I was rushing the story beats to get to punchline. I would ideally like to get 10 strips ahead and posted for a new launch and then post a new page once a week. This is something I’ll obviously do after the book is completed and I’m back to a full 5day ARG schedule again. What do you guys think?
and that’s when I walk a away!
Not me… something sparked in me that day.
Lynn seems like a fun date, nice romantic dinner, murder by the candlelight, a little bit of dick joking…
She’s just a fun person in general.
I would love to see a Van Deferens comic! Its actually a pretty epic storyline that only a full fledge comicbook page can do it justice. Though, I wonder if it would be too much work, doing I am ARG and Vas Deferens. If you think you can do it, go for it! No doubt, everyone would love to see more of Vas
That’s a valid concern, obviously I would build myself a large enough buffer to accommodate the time needed. thankfully after the book stress is done I’ll have a bunch of free time.
Gotta say, I’m a sucker for freckles and murder. Mostly the freckles though… not sure what it is about them but they’re just so sexy. Is it bad that I read your comic mostly just to see you draw Lynn and her freckley cuteness?
That depends….
Well, that certainly must’ve caused some panic on the dance floor.
That disco was certainly in disarray…
Hooo. That gave me quite a good laugh. Along with a slight twinge of fear…
But mostly laughter, mostly.
I’m beginning to notice a string of normal behavior from Lynn, so I found a song that really sums it up nicely.
I freaken love that song, one of the better things that was created by the guys down at Sanity Not Included!
That sums my girl up pretty good.
She’s just, as we call it in THE BIZ, “playing hard-to-get”. Murder is just her way of being coy, obviously. Be persistent and confident, and you’ll eventually be rewarded with a phone number… or disembowelment, either way you win.
Also, I don’t get it. If she’s saying no, why does she have her sexy face on in panel three?
The pose of Lynn reminds me of Egoraptors Awesome Gaiden
Aw, she loves him!
loves him to death…
Yes, I am very interested in more Vas Deferens. I have never been so emotionally engaged in a dick joke.
I will make sure those emotional investments pay off…
Richard Joke isn’t my name. But, it is a name
ARG, just a bit of advice here. Don’t do break up your web comic.
You’re starting to do what other web comic authors/artists are doing. Spreading out and being unable to handle multiple projects. They burn out and just stop doing everything and not just one web comic. You’ve already gone from 5x a week down to 3x a week.
Then, add up the costs associated with opening another domain + web space.
While I support Vas all the way, I wouldn’t want my greed for your awesomeness to tax your abilities or time.
Only do it if you’d do it if we all said no: Then you’re sure it’s *you* who wants to, and not us.
Silly ARG, you should’ve written them the other way around. Because nothing is clearer way of saying yes like committing a murder.
A few dead bodies, bloodshed and probably pissed pants later, you two are engaged. Congrats. Love is funny and weird like that.
Turning Vas into its own strip, page and all, is a great idea. Comic book setup means more freedom to draw each panel as you prefer instead of a set layout. (right?)
I really wouldn’t suggest putting it on its own site. I’ve seen a lot of people make spin-offs of their own work and the result seems to universally result in the new project getting less attention than it would have if it had stayed on the home site.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my career as a person-who-makes-websites-for-people, it’s that I can’t make customers/visitors start using a new website unless I actually kill the old one completely and leave it as a 404 or (better) a redirect. People won’t change their bookmarks and then they get all confused when the “old” site doesn’t have everything on it, so I end up posting new things to all the websites belonging to each client, every single time, or else risk a big percentage of their loyal visitors just plain not seeing it. Attempts to divide their audiences always result in extra work for marginal reward.
People don’t like having to change websites. They like finding things in one place. If that weren’t the case, then Google wouldn’t have gone from “barebones search engine” to “world-conquering behemoth”.
That said, I understand the desire to give themed artwork its own themed site where it fits better. I think , if you choose to do that, then it will be important to also post here, on this site, when you have updated Vas, with a link and possibly a thumbnail to tempt people over there. That would ensure nobody forgets to check on Vas.
I still don’t think it’s in your best interests, though. You would be creating extra work for yourself and extra maintenance, design, blog posts, etc. Until ARG and your comics becomes your actual day job, I think it’s dangerous to make it harder for yourself. You risk it becoming less fun and more of a chore. And, Heaven forbid, you risk physically hurting yourself from overwork. It happens. Keyboards and mice eat our bones for breakfast, monitors suck out our eyeballs, and Wacoms have their own issues. Several of my favorite small-time (by which I mean, the artist has a day job and does the comic on nights and weekends) comics have been forced to go on indefinite hiatus after wearing out their hands. The hobbies always are the first thing to go, since you still have to pay the rent and grocery bill. Take care of yourself! You come first
If your KB+M is killing you, you might want to change your hardware. Likewise for monitors and eye-strain. I’m testing/devving a wearable system, so at the moment I have three different cursor options (Eyewriter, ring mouse, and Sixth Sense… as well as a normal mouse on my desk) and, in addition to my normal KB I have a home-made Peregrine glove and a one-handed chord keyboard. Just changing between them from time to time, as well as teaching me new skills, means that I have a lot less physical strain in a day.
Might want to give them a go, or recommend them around.
Wow, fancy! Eyewriter, huh? How’s that working? I didn’t know it was going to enter the consumer market anytime soon. I have a Kinesis advantage keyboard, and that made a big difference. I recommend it! Now I’m saving up for a better mouse solution. But there is not much that can be done about eyestrain, except to take breaks. Looking at any single thing (fixed distance) for a long time can cause problems. Doing ANYTHING for a long time causes problems. We aren’t built to do the same thing for hours and hours on end, no matter what it is, even healthy things. But if you are able to switch up what you’re doing with so many new techs, then that’s pretty sweet. I’m glad you aren’t hunched over a tiny laptop. That bodes well for continued ARGitude. It sounds like when it comes to ergonomics you definitely know your stuff
I wonder if working in animation improved your understanding of anatomy? (My favorite comic is still “I’m a fucking necromancer”!)
What would happen if she smiled while committing the murder?
That IS a good question. But I do seem to enjoy bloodshed.
I think making a new comic for Vas is a great idea! Though if I were you I’ld probably ask for suggestions from Scott from nerf-this, his setup works pretty well.
That’s not the most loving expression I’ve ever seen on a womans face!
And yay for Vas! It’d be really cool to see it expanded into a more rounded story line. I say go for it!!!
…I see it took you some time to woo the lady.
On the subject of Vas, I personally don’t like the idea of that comic being on a whole other site. Mainly because I’m lazy and there’s only so much room on my favorites bar thingy (no idea what it’s called) for webcomics. I DO like the idea of expanding the story and giving it its own special place though. Maybe it could be a weekly special here? I feel like that way if it ends up being too much work Vas can just wait a little and there’s regular ARG strips to tide everyone over and you don’t have to stress about there being a whole other site that’s not getting updated or something.
But since I’ve never run a webcomic myself I’m kinda guessing at how these things are done, so, you know, do whatever.
If you want an easier way to check things, you could just make a folder in your bookmarks called “Comics”, fill it with any and all comics you enjoy, and then Right-Click -> Open All in Tabs each morning… or any number of other solutions.
A girl just asked me out the other day with this note:
Wanna dance?
Smile= No
commit murder= YES.
Needless to say I’m now wanted for 56 murders and I think I’m dating ARG!’s sister… or did i just kill 56 people for no reason?
If you had made her smile as well in the third panel you could have entitled this strip “Mixed signals” (but then again, that face is fucking awesome).
Yeah, the judge told me to stop asking girls out that way.