Maybe Media does warp our minds… I really am a normal person… that’s no lie!
Today’s comic Guest stars ARG reader James L!
So did you guys know I have a deviant art account and a twitter account and a facebook page for I am ARG! Well I do, and you should follow them all!
I’ve started drawing up some of the Artist editions I’ll post some in the blog!
Gotta say I like henai only and only if it involes viedio game charters (mainly from RPGS)
I probably could have gone my whole life, nay…even the rest of the evening without knowing that.
A good chrono trigger hentai needs to be made…
We both need a lot of help.
Psychiatrists everywhere are rejoicing at everyones sudden need of help…
This entitled me to a hearty chuckle. I get jokes!
Lol, I’m happy you got it… the worst feeling is having people not get it…
…Obviously not as much as people thinks it does. I mean, if you want to get some kind of technical, picket guy seems like he’d avoid porn…and yet he still got the reference. You get this all the time, though. They blame it on something that is only a fraction of the problem. If that were really the problem and they were against it…they wouldn’t be aware of it because they’d be utterly “pure”. Maybe that just means guys are inherently evil.
I think you pretty much nailed it…
God, you’re so evil Andrew! Why are we even looking at amazing comics? We should be donning our fezzes and dueling with penii. Also. That would be amazing. A duel to the death of girls and guys with penii. Girls automatically win because we’d have to get artificial vibrator ones…and guys would automatically lose because if there were any blunt force to a guy’s penis, he’d be out of commission. And then we’d think the world would end because men wouldn’t be able to make some chillrins and then women would have to have some awesomely creepy biological evolution to carry on the human race.
Wait…that sounds suspiciously like an orgy. >.>
Google image search for sword fighting. I dare ya.
That face…that smug looking face…it offends me,Arg!!! OBEY MY COMMANDS AND GIVE HIM A WHITE WILLIE,wipe that smug look off that face of his, then watch some porn with lyn, and have a 8 hour monkey-lovemaking session…RRRRRRAAAAAAAGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
sounds like a great day.
Man, if that’s how we gauge how corrupt we are then I am screwed. I can’t go 5 minutes without turning everything into something sexual.
hehheheh… gauge….
That comic did get both me and my roomie a good laugh. I belive we both have a very dirty mind :p
Hi five!
I thought this was going to be a Star Trek reference.
There’s a joke in there… somewhere…
Some thing to do with wormholes no doubt.
I call shenanigans! You have to watch porno to smirk at a facial joke!
Do you? maybe he’s reformed and trying to reform others.
Yup! Once you crawl down the rabbit hole, it eats you, and you are never are to be seen whole again! Sure, you can come out the other side, and a put on clean clothing, and your vest of innocent intentions while you picket away for the good fight.. But nothing.. And I do mean nothing! Will ever change the fact that you like to sit in a kitty pool full of refried bean dip while watching reruns of Deep Space 9.
Thanks for the comic, it’s awesome!
OMG how did you know?!
I sure do love me a bean soak while watching Trek. Avery Brooks is so cool!
(why do I suddenly smell beans? Now you’ve started it again! NOOO!)
Yeah, that guy is just too smug to be so “innocent”…
Surely you mean DeviantARG, Twitt-ARG and FacebARG?
He he he, well done 🙂
Thank you!
I had a friend that warped every innocent comment into something dirty. He was a prick. Just sayin’…..! 😉
Well, at least they’re not going in for a mud bath…
I proved the idea of this by watching 6 hours of hardcore porn before a test. Wait, what was I saying again?
According to virtually every religion, our natural state is one of lust and it’s the virtuous path that they offer that will save us from ourselves. If that’s true then our minds aren’t warped by porn but returned to their lascivious states from which religion and social mores led us.
The next time some anti-porn person tries to sway you you tell them to stop trying to warp your mind and allow you to enjoy your natural state of filth.
Lead us not into temptation… I’m already there
Is it wrong that I’ve fantasized about that already?
Facials are the window to the soul. I may have that saying wrong.