You laugh, but that dick bush really exists. I walked by that everyday on my way to school.
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The amount of comments on last monday’s comic was ridiculous and all of it entertaining. For today I want to extend it to movies. LITERAL Premise interpretations based on the title of the movie alone. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand GO!
This is proof that when you plant a penis out in your front lawn, you expect to harvest some perverts..
Well this explains alot…
I did the exact same to a 50 ft. dick bush here in Van. Damn tree huggers.
A fish called Wanda- the story of a fish named Wanda
Transformers – Essentially a 2 hour episode of how it’s made.
Dirty Harry – Children’s bath-themed cartoon movie.
Blade Runner – Documentary of the most dangerous circus side show yet attempted.
Kill Bill – Mr. Bill the movie?
Watchmen – a:) women watching men b:) A Swiss timepiece documentary
Octopussy – An ill-conceived pornography
what other penis would it be if it wasn’t the “male penis”?
Tranny penis?
I dare you to dress up as Batman for a whole day.
Batman Begins, the entertaining tale of Lewis Schmidt who decides to become an artisan crafter of baseball bats.
Hot. But if she was watching, not that’d be really hot!
Did that bush at least buy you a drink and take you to dinner first?
Harry Potter: a movie about a clay artist named Harry. He specialises in pots.
Stuck on You: A couple of people play with epoxy resin and get stuck together.
10 Things I Hate About You: A list of ten things that someone doesn’t like about someone else (preferably read by Morgan Freeman).
The Transporter: A day in the life of someone in the transport industry.
Hot Fuzz: A rather furry animal that has been out in the sun too long.
It pollened al over him too.
The Expendables- A group of mercenaries are fired after becoming redundant
Inception- A writer struggles to come up with a new idea for their script
Twilight- A group of teenagers out of high school meet up for the last time on a hill at sunset and reminisce
Attack the Block- 2 teenagers try to tear down an entire mountain-in Minecraft
Pfizer says, “Thats my bush”:
The Legend of Bagger Vance: The thrill a minute adventures of a Walmart bag boy, “I live my life one item at a time” – Vance
500 Days of Summer: The worst heatwave to hit since…-EVER!
Layercake: 2 hours of spongecake followed by icing followed by spongecake followed by icing followed by (SPOILER Alert!!) twist ending – a cherry!
Watchmen: The monotonous misadventures of a little watch shop
Death at a Funeral: Death takes time off to pay his last respects to his faithful steed Binky
Why does my brain library on movies allways disappear when I’m asked such questions?
I’ll just take those movietitles I’ve read/seen on
1. The Lord Of The Rings: Movie about a skilled ringmaker.
2. House By The Cemetery: A movie about a house built at a cementery
3. Ironmaster: A movie which follows a young lad, trying to be the best smith of the world
4. April Fool’s Day: A movie about what happens on April Fool’s Day
5. The Evil Dead: A documentry movie showing the corpses of people who were evil while they lived.
And one I can think of on my own:
6. Final Destination: A movie about trains which arrive at the final destination.
Better yet:
Lord of the Rings – biography of gold-winning Olympic gymnast.
That actually sounds great!
But we have to get ARG! to be in charge of the medal style.
Final Destination, to make it better fiction, a movie about trains that arrive at the last stop ON TIME.
O.o Impossible… I can’t imagine the nightmares people would have. Everyone would miss their train.
Movies, eh?
Mad Max: a day-in-the-life film following a really unhappy Australian.
Suckerpunch: a series of clips of people getting punched when they weren’t expecting it.
Animal House: a wealthy eccentric leaves their home to their pets in their will. (lots of theirs there…)
The Silence of the Lambs: a documentary about training lambs to be quiet.
The Italian Job: a man gets a job in Italy. This is his story.
Snatch: gynecologist training video.
Hmmm that way suckerpunch would actually have a continuous story.
Bad Boys: Follows a bunch of schoolboys in detention!
Die Hard: A man tries to commit suicide over and over again and fails every time!
Iron Man: Documentary about a guy who loves ironing!
Total Recall : The proper title of the Film Hangover
Hangover: A documentary about leftovers in famos restautrants.
Dick Bush ha I get it Dick Cheney and George Bush clever
Serenity – A documentary on achieving peace
Avatar – Adventures in cyberspace
Dark Knight Rises – A short film, following a morning in the life of Batman
Sleepless In Seattle – A sleep disorder documentary.
Time Cop! – A meter maid’s tale. ;P
The Sound of Music: black screen and random radio stations live
Silence of the Lambs: a deaf farmer raises livestock
Taken: heroic mall cops pursue a shoplifter
The Fast and the Furious: an Olympic sprint, followed by the anger of the losers due to contested results, building into creative profane insults, then into a brawl involving all the runners and line judges.
The Replacements: a montage of all the gaffes from this season’s replacement NFL referees
A Clockwork Orange: the adventures of a robotic wind up fruit from the 19th century
Freud would have a field day with you
Now we know why you are the way you are, it’s nature!