It’s only the natural progression of concession popcorn sizes and it’s still not enough to get through the previews…
BONUS! I left my stylus at work last night and had to rough out the comic with my dying mouse… the results were… results.
See all those crazy trailers lately? The new superman trailer looks pretty good and that new Star Trek flick looks great as well.
That’s what I say! I’m licking the salt out of the container by the time the opening credits roll. 🙂
It’s never enough and they keep charging more every time I go to see a film.
Wait…..does that mean they’re eating popcorn off the floor? Oh god that’s nasty.
I dont know why, but your faces in the last pannel remind me of ponyo XD
great comic
Oh wow. Lynn should lay of the popcorn… The result is… scary…
I love popcorn as much as the next man, but £5 for a ridiculously small carton? I think not!!!
Man of Steel and Star Trek 12 are the only two movies I want to see right now.
It may have something to do with the amount of previews that appear before the movie.
I always get sad when my fingers touch the bottom of that popcorn bucket for the first time.
I start gnawing away at the un popped kernels.
Do you sell signed originals? I want this one.
I will be offering prints of comics in the new year.
I prefer Junior Mints and a medium Coke.
One good thing about American consumerism, a “medium” will last you through an an hour-and-a-half movie plus previews. Definitely says something.
danm i wish that was real
I never finish my popcorn. Even when I’m sharing with my brother and we hve a small…
No wonder you and Lynn ran out, that was the small section. 😀
Last-panel Lynn reminds me of a creepy Kermit-esque thing I’ve seen once. I just don’t remember what it is…or where I saw it.