Well we did it! It’s 2014 and I didn’t make a single dick joke.
What? It’s still 2013? sure buddy…
In the spirit of my favourite MST3K movie, I want you to make up some Heroic Penis names post yours in the comments below!
Well I’m back from my vacation, I had relaxing and terrifying time without internet for an entire week. But It’s the new year and that means back to work!
I want to thank Brian King of Inkoutbreak and Mayoking comics for taking care of the site and making sure things were posted on time. Everything went swimmingly. (with the exception of some errors in the comics themselves, which have been fixed) Give him some love!
Also here’s the Last panel with text or the hand in the way.
Oh he’s going to just dick around!!
General Dick Dangling
Anytime dude
The best I can come up with is General Aragorn McTankShank.
I think I need more sleep.
Well it sure felt like whole year.
Pfft. Typical. He’s always going off early.
“The Flesh-Hammer” Meatstick McThrobbin.
Peter H. Shaftings
Johnson Porker
Rusty Knobb
Brock Hardings
Mike Ock
That last panel is too funny!
As for a penis name, I’m partial to Erectodopolyse. A huge name for a huge… Well, that or Ted.
Vlad the Impaler. It’s a classic.
Raging Andrew Ryan McThickstick
It’s… beautiful
/wipes tear from eye
We all knew you couldn’t make it
7 days! Is that a record?
Also, Major Helmut Longshaft!
Sack Wideshaft.
Hello, you may call me Hancock Mcloins. I used to be a cop. But then the evil Dr Dong kidnapped me as a human test subject, injecting me daily with lethal doses of radioactive urethranium. The poison instead of killing me turn me into the powerful WONDERBONE. I managed to escape his dreadful sploogecraft and outwit his spunkdrones, only to end up somewhere in the Chlamydia galaxy, on a planet known as prostatia. Now, I battle for the Prostatian people against the oncumming threats of Dong, knowing that he is the key to finding my way back home….
Hehehe, awesome!
Tom “Do Me” Harder
“That’s what she said”
I really can’t tell if this counts, or if his new years resolution is still in progress.
“congrats on being dickless” priceless.
Private Jack “The Loaded Gun” Hoff
Cocknan the Deflowerer
What’re uterus gonna do when Cockogan mania cums at you?
*breathes deeply* Richard D. Jhonson for ma bid,its pratical AND real…stealth dick joke ftw
Gonad the Ballbagian [Conan the Barbarian]
Cock Boner [Jack Bauer]
Semenman [Superman]
Then there’s always Shaft, I suppose. That joke sort of tells itself.
private rod rick johnson
And from J.K. Rowling the new characters Dirk Dongledork, Noddy Knobslobb, Randy Cornbungler, Harry Porker, and Richard Fleshsicle.
Testicles the Sementurion
Is that a bandana or a scarf?
Handikin Skypalmer
Palmula Handerson
Barack Opalma
Harry Palmer
Frodo Saggins
That’s all I can think of for the moment. 8=D~
I don’t know if his abs are the only thing that’s going to be rock-hard.
That was terrible. I should go back to sleep. Gonad the Ballbagian was pretty good, though.
That would make this naming game The Nine Billion Names of Dick Ryder.
Shall I take my prize in cash or check?
Hugh G. Rection (say it aloud, it’s funnier that way *wink*)
I know its a little late but Scroto Baggins?
or dick Jagger
Dangly McDragglebags?
Aww.. you broke your resolution
Glans Gruber.
Private Richard Hardington
Richard hardball!
Meat Hardsmash!
Knob Biffhard!
Bob Johnson… ohwait.