Burritos have become my ultimate food. It’s everything I love about tastes in a neat package.
Hey! did you guys see the TUTORIAL I made up for you? It’s all about how I draw I am ARG! There’s some cool time saving tips and some general advice in there too. I’m working on a writing one right now.
Damn now i want a burrito.
I have burrito filling, but no tortillas.
I used to have tortillas, but no burrito filling.
You need to do what we do and always have tortillas in your fridge.
Either that, or make ’em. Tortillas are pretty easy.
Based upon the images chosen this evening I have determined that you, sir, are a crazy cat lady in disguise. -nod-
That’s some queer wish you got there.
I am a Mexican, and I approve of this comic.
And now burritos are my foods Arg fucked up list
My pup has pulled the burrito too.
Crouching confusion, hidden dick joke!
Funny comic and cat photos? This will be a great day.
Wish i knew where i could get a Burito. Maybe i go for a Cebab.
First off, just wanted to say BURRRRRRIIITOOO!! (why, yes, I am an Invader Zim fan…)
GOOMHARG? Yeah, I guess that’s neat enough.
conversation from last night:
“Burritos may be the gayest food ever…”
“Yeah, if everything tasted like burritos, the world would be a better place.”
MMM. Tacos.
Now that’s how you eat a burrito.
Dat face,also,while this may or may not disgust some people, there is BACON flavored lube, which was originally a prank joke by a company that makes bacon flavored objects,anyway the reason I bring this up is cus I now want burrito flavored lube…that is all…
Being Gay would be wasted on a tounge like that.
All women love having their navel kissed, from the inside!
Totally love Lynn’s delayed reaction there!
Do they not have burritos in Canada?
This makes me feel unsavory.
And yet, I’m feeling very hungry all of the sudden.
If I had a nickle every time a girl gave me that look at the end I’d come home a millionaire every day. Nice job.
Is… Is this a dick joke?