Poor Mad King Flimblo, as bad at living as he was as bad at naming things…
Here’s a game for the comments! Give me a weapons name or your favourite existing weapon name in the comments below!
I’m still super super busy this week catching up at work. It’s fun times!
There’s a game called Dungeon Defenders, and on that game there is a
weapon known as the “Blasticus”. It looks like an automatic assault rifle.
Once you get the any weapon to max level, you are allowed to rename
I named my Blasticus “Blasturbator”
Slippery Dan. That’s a weapon name.
The 101st Dan of street fighting.
Baul’gaer the Smiter.
either that or Harry Richard the Penetrator.
To-NEH! The emphasis is important.
Chocolate rainbow morningstar
Meteoris. Hell yea.
PETA Bane (My bow in FarCry 3)
The Thunder Shaft! (A lightning staff, and yes, the exclamation mark is part of the name)
Live by the sword, you die by your sword… wait?
The Sword of 7 Grandmothers!
Who could forget Torg’s talking sword (of Sluggy Freelance fame) CHAZ! He can only talk when powered by the blood of the innocent, but when that happens, look out!
I also call upon the power of the Unnatural Axe and the Mazer-Bo-Bazer-Banana-Fanna-Fo-Phaser.
Forged from ore found deep in Mountain Her by the master blacksmith Stout Richard comes Erectus, king of the longblades, whose shaft is hard as steel, and can only be wielded by the expert swordsman Master Bater.
…too much?
That sounds like the narration for ‘OGLAF: The Movie’.
my favorite named weapon was probably Nieneisen which loosely translated from German is Nine Iron, it was my characters sword in a super hero campaign
Shuusui from One Piece. (Lorenor Zorro’s [Roronoa Zoro]’s third sword)
But I do have the habbit of calling all trees Bob. It’s just appropriate.
You fool…
Everyone knows that all trees are “Franks”.
So Chuck the Plant lied to me?!
I’ll give a real and fictional; Wallace Sword, and Shadowmourne!
My friend’s sword is Citrus Skewer.
He peels oranges with his sword.
I have a long thrusting dagger, his name is Dirk.
Barry. Barry the Hatchet.
Blades of Chaos (later Blades of Athena) from Kratos (God of War)
Eamathoma the relentless, it’s my battle spoon!
The De-virginator.
— name given by the adventurer who asked the swordsmith what it’s called.
I call my Mace “Windu”.
In Skyrim, I named my Daedric bow Free Acupunctures.
My rapier, pokey the non-stabber.
My rogue who specialized in blunt weapons in D&D 4th had a
specialization to use blunt objects instead of daggers for his abilities
which included …Precise Incision
so I had SADOMASTER the Great Mace
Tazana, the taser katana.
I think I have too many “Garys” in my life.
I have a pocket knife called Sally, the Nut Cutter.
In Champions: Return to Arms there is a weapon called Soup’s Bane. It’s a wooden spoon.
Throwing knives by the names of Blinky, Inky Pinky and Clyde
Plaquesbane Destroyer of Cavities! That’s my toothbrush. I have to have some way to make daily exercises entertaining.
If I had a spiked mace, I’d call it ‘Painfist’! Not very intimidating? Think about it…
A trident called Aaros The Aerator
the sword of ridiculous bullshit.
it’s also a candy cane
“Diplomacy” the sword, name etched right on the blade. Looks like it’s time for Diplomacy.
Anne-Marie, and Marie-Anne. The forward and aft 5” guns on USS Chancellorsville, respectively.
X’s sword: Amy Wangwang
A spear named Phalrook the penetrator
Named my sword Gus Rhoda. It likes to scream its own name as we charge into battle.
The Bass Cannon. Forged by the great Skrill himself.
Tsar Bomba. The biggest bomb ever created.
Spike the Eye-gouger
It’s a titanium spork.
The Flesh Light.
zangetsu & zabimaru
back in the 90s Cable’s gun used to say “Ouchmaker” I used to think that was so funny…
My weapon will be a Crotchity old man with a shotgun… I will call him “Haggis”
I know I’d name my knife “chatterbox” because of the many throats it slit or my mace rusty for how little I used it.
My knife named Dana
I call my sword piecemaker…on account of the condition she leaves my opponents in!
My character had a pistol whose official name was “…What? I don’t know, it’s a gun.”
Garbonzo the ever respawning propane tank and Periwinkle the twig.
I’m a fan of Trycepticon. He’s a space-based super laser that transforms into a giant lizard monster. He’s in War for Cybertron. That counts as a weapon, right?
Combining the Pogo Hammer with an iron gets you the weapon with the greatest name: Wrinklefucker.