UPDATE: Apologies for no new comic for wednesday. I’ve been sick with massive sinus headaches. A new comic will be up on friday. Thanks for your patience guys!
In DnD this weekend, I had my group of adventurers, “The Health and Safety Department”, encounter a cave filled with particular cats. Much lulz were had.
This weekend I also took some time to draw more Sailor Scouts from sailor moon!
Sailor Mars
Sailor Venus
Sailor Uranus
Happy Monday Folks!
I can’t believe this actually happened D:
I can’t believe I got to use my spoon shoes.
What effect do the spoon shoes do?
+10 dexterity over soupy tureen.
Oh god… you ARGed the Sailor Scouts…
everybody’s gettin’ ARG’d
But Grumpy Cat is a she, not a he!
*Kills herself
That was an egregious oversight and has been fixed.
Grumpy Cat would rather die than let you have one point of experience for killing her.
The look on Grumpy Cat’s face is priceless, it gave me a good guffaw!
I was aiming for a chuckle, a guffaw is just great.
Holy shit that’s a real word.
I’m.. surprised you did avoid the usual, bad ‘Uranus’ pun…
yeah. I’m actually planning on doing them all and making a nice collection of them.
Insert obligatory housecat-vs.-1st-level-magic-user joke here.
You should podcast these DND games! But don’t tell any one until it’s over.
We’re recording them- but cutting 8 hours of gameplay into a podcast is a lot of work.
Fucking. Hell. YES! Made my day! I swear I heard an angel choirs when I read this.
I can honestly say that his is the third best thing to have ever happened…EVER!!!
O.o I really wanna get in on your DnD groups now O.o
….. even though it is 4e -_-
This looks like the best session ever. It must be fun to play with you.
CATS, it is what fuels the Internet! Cheers!
Dammit, why didn’t you invite me to the greatest DnD game EVAR?