I met slender man once, he helped me get my cat out of a tree.
Protect yourself from the Slender Man by taking safe haven in the I am ARG Facebook Page.
So, I’m currently putting together an Artbook to make available for sale. I’m planning it to be around 60 pages and contain a bunch of pieces from my deviant art and a bunch of sketch work and unseen artworks. I’m hoping to have it ready for con-season this coming summer and eventually available for sale on the store.
Where is it!? Where is…
The Dick!?
Did you not see the hot meat in his face? Not many comics show a woman shoving HER meat in a MAN’s face, not that there is anything wrong with it.
Mom, is that you?
Lol. When are you gonna get a “Random Comic” button? It would be great for a non-sequitorious comic such as this one.
That’s coming with the redesign of the site next month.
Oh, new stuff. HYPE HYPE
Awww but he will look odd in Slenderland!
is slender’s forehead on the last panel the ding dong joke?
HEY You brought my great grandma back to life!
Who knew that’s all it took to stop that slender bastard?
No Italian stereotypes here…
Smartaleck555, this must happen now
Nothing stops Mario’s Mom!
I was the Docor for Halloween last year, and Slenderman was stalking (and terrifying) my friend. She tried to get him to follow me, but Slendy and I danced together on the stage instead. I still don’t know who was under the mask.
Itsa the answer to everyathing for a Italian mama. Eat.
Granny?! Granny is that you?! D|>