I just don’t understand people that feel offended with “Happy Holidays”. It’s a well-wish, take it or leave it.
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I just don’t understand people that feel offended with “Happy Holidays”. It’s a well-wish, take it or leave it.
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It’s MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS. You can shove Happy Holidays up a moose’s ass.
And this is important because…
Because you must include the “FUCKING” to emphasize it and only because of that.
But the word “FUCk” means “Fornicating Under Consent of King” so, knowing this fact, adding “ING” would give us “MERRY Fornicating Under Consent of King’ING CHRISTMAS” and that’s not very appealing.
I prefer Happy Holidays.
Actually, no. For a large number of reasons as laid out here: http://www.snopes.com/language/acronyms/fuck.asp
Acronyms are largely a 20th century obsession.
But really, the correct response is “You too.” Reply to the gretting in the intent it was made.
More like Merry Christmas and hope you weren’t naughty so Krampus doesn’t drag you to he’ll and eat you!
Happy Southern Solstice?
You know what the “Holiday” days like these need? Tacos.. What kind of tacos? Bacon Tacos. What days? All the days.. Also, Arg, Lynn.. Happy Holidays to you both, thank you for making me laugh and laugh and laugh all day everyday.
This sums my thoughts of the holidays up exactly. Filing this under possible responses to stupid people.
We wish you a merry Christmas…and a CRAPPY New Year!
That’s honestly what runs through my head whenever someone complains about “Happy Holidays.”
There’s more than one, even for Christians.
I prefer to say ‘Merry Christmas’ if it’s around Christmas time, as in December at least. However, if someone goes and says ‘happy holidays’ I’m not going to flip my shit either, lol.
Exactly. However due to the anti-religion in ‘murca, it seems many are actually offended greatly by telling them “merry christmas”.
Even then, I wouldnt walk up to my jewish friend and tell them that. I’d tell them something more specific to this time of year, which would be Hanukkah.
Because there’s so many holidays during this time of year (Lest we forget Saturnalia), happy holidays was primarily adopted for this reason.
Christmas has become more of a cultural thing where I live, rather than a religious thing. Probably because of Britain being considered a Christian Country, yet the majority of us are now Atheists. So personally, I really can’t see why anyone would give a rats-ass about how you greet them during Christmas. It’s actually surprised me that there are Scrooges out there who get worked up over whether or not someone says “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”. Maybe I should get out more.
You’re almost 3 weeks late for Hanukkah this year (first day was on Thanksgiving).
Wait, people get annoyed when you say “Happy Holidays”!?!
Those sad, sad bastards.
Isn’t getting annoyed by that, the complete opposite of the Christmas Spirit?
Yes there are. Mostly because there seems to have been an almost militant work to remove Christmas from the ‘holidays’. No town shall have Christmas decorations as it impinges on non-Christians. You should not place religious themed decorations on your lawn. Nor should you be allowed to be upset when local kids steal/destroy them.
So the Merry Christmas anger in some is a backlash.
And some just like to be angry but we are not discussing my family.
Yeah, no, that’s not true. While it is true that government owned places in the US and Canada need to be careful about religious displays, there are no laws at all, no are there any sane non-Christians who would mind a Christian display on someone’s own lawn. That’s just crazy. I’m an atheist, and when I walk past a nativity scene, all I think is either “that is a nice nativity” or “holy crap, that one is tacky”.
I have never heard of any case where someone’s private display of Christianity caused anger or backlash, that’s just bizarre.
I have heard about a lot of displays on public, government owned land being disputed, but that’s just fair. After all, if Christianity gets one, either everyone else should or no one should at all- separation of church and state is a rather important building block of American and Canadian societies.
And that should say “nor are there any…”
I do believe in a higher power, but I don’t consider myself to be religious. As such, Happy Holidays is the only greeting I feel comfortable using! If people don’t like it, well I think ARG put it best!
Love this comic! And it is soooo annoying when ignorant people get offended
by the Christian tradition of saying “Happy Holidays”. Yes, it’s now usable for respecting *all* faiths, but it started with Christians, since Christmas is historically NOT the only Christian Holy Day in December. (plus it recognized New Years)
Merry Kwansikuhmus everywan!
Happy Fishmas!
As an atheist, I prefer Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays, since it is Christmas whether I believe in Jeebus or not, and I don’t celebrate the “holy days”. I would also say “Happy Easter”, “Happy Hannukah”, or “Happy Eid-Ul-Fitr”.
I think mostly due to the fact that it seems to have centrally started off as Christmas and as more people got bitchy and whiny, it because less politically correct to actually wish someone Merry Christmas.
Now people have to feel like they have to defend their own religion or holidays because it seems wrong to actually say it out loud. I can see where they are coming from. No one should be sued because they wish you a Merry Christmas or give you fucking candy canes. At the same time, no one should be assulted for wishing you Happy Holidays. I see both sides.
Karkat would agree with this technique.