Everybody wants me to have kids. I don’t know why, cannibalism is illegal here.
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Everybody wants me to have kids. I don’t know why, cannibalism is illegal here.
Check out the ARG Facebook page for all the latest info and follow me on twitter @IamARG!
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Lynn made babies with the wrong person, it seems.
Don’t you mean potato humans?
The Centauren are a superior species and would not waste their invaluable genetic material by commingling it with hairless monkeys.
I don’t like kids. They have too many bones. I like tuna.
Are those the characters from Regular Show in the background?
Wooooooah! YEAH!
I didn’t even notice until I reached this comic going left to he previous ones. Thank you.
I’ve never found kids appetising. I reckon they probably just taste like chicken anyway!
If you reproduce, the result wouldn’t be a baby. It would be a Mini-Arg.
It’s totally Mordecai and Rigby in the background
Yeah, I hear ya – when I got married, that seemed to be everyone’s concern. “When’re you gonna have a kid?” Like, obviously that has to be the only reason we got hitched?
So I thought maybe if we just had one, people would stop. Nope. Now it’s, “When’re you gonna have another?” People just don’t have enough things to think about to fill out their day I guess.
If Arg was to have a son/daughter what would his/her name be?
Seems like ARG is forecasting a stressful 2014 for everyone. Him and Lynn’s mother are gonna shrink.
She injected Spam into a baby shaped mould. Wait… how did you think she made it?
his Easter card said “I banged yo mom” from his dad.
What does this mean 9 months later?