I’ve never been a hero. But when the time comes, I’m fairly certain I won’t be a hero.
Check out the ARG Facebook page for up to date info on the comic and for any special things I like to post.
Have a great weekend folks.
I’ve never been a hero. But when the time comes, I’m fairly certain I won’t be a hero.
Check out the ARG Facebook page for up to date info on the comic and for any special things I like to post.
Have a great weekend folks.
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Wait, It isn’t supose to explode?
Maybe its not made by tediore.
sadly I did not find that gun on a psycho.
I see you found a convenient meat-shield, when throwing the gun didn’t work.
Did throwing the gun at least reload it? It would be rude to give the mugger an empty gun.
It’s time for Lynn to upgrade Arg to a real man status… A simple head replacement might work.
Btw. Lynns belly seems slightly bigger than usual… Are you hinting us to tell she’s pregnant?
lol nope. I honestly don’t see the change.
You’re Canadian; shouldn’t you be apologizing for such a rude act?
sorry, I forgot.
You forgot to shout SKADOOSH when you threw it, that would definitely have worked!
I did summon the demon lords beforehand but they seemed disinterested
Actually, in old comic books and cartoons, bad guys emptied they guns at superheroes, then tossed the empty guns at them. Obviously, gun-tossing is far superior to gun-shooting and Arg is just going for the maximum effect since he’s defending his wife. Not his fault comic books are full of lies!
I’m writing my local government offical about it right now…
If you are throwing a gun at someone with your full effort behind the throw, there is a chance it might knock the wind out of the attacker. There is a little bit of weight in a handgun is it is possible if luck is on your side.
I’m bad at sport.
I’ve heard in such situations it’s best not to try to be a hero. So far so good.
Fire first make sure that you empty the clip next you have option a. throw or option B. Pistol Whip if you go with option a. make sure you skill set in throwing is on your paper work from you skill tree. If you go with my personal favorite option b. make sure you have blind rage as well intimidate, and For giggles I’ll add and extra D6 for damage if you can connect the blows.
Opps I forgot.
I have a plus for that!
The last time someone tried to mug me at knife-point i broke there hands,they drop the knife then tried to run,but i took out one of their kneecaps then they fell and i shoved the knife up their ass.
I did give them fair warning i was going to shove the knife up their ass. I can’t imagine what the doctor thought if they x-rayed him. the police just laughed their asses off one of the cops scolded me,but let me off free even though my defense was kinda excessive.
Now if you take a gun to knife fight aim for the head if your seriously going to throw it most people if you hit them hard enough in the head they will fall or bend down then you can knee them too the face or if they fall too the ground kick them while they are down stomp that crotch as fast and hard as you can.
Such man! many strongs! very brave.
Well three things that did make it easier is the fact this guys falls under the majority of guys have a habit of underestimating women,the guy was holding the knife poorly,and lastly i was keeping my wallet in my breasts that day because i was wearing the one pair of pants without pockets.
I was all ways getting into fights when i was younger especially in highschool. mainly because of weird rumors about me and because i did things people didn’t like.
One time i got attacked by a group of girls because I turned down dating the prettiest boy in school most of the girls were infatuated with.
No no no. You’re supposed to throw it at their HEAD, silly.
I is le dumb.
in my opinion,unless you are very confident and have a real
knowledge of martial art how
effectively defend yourself,go for it.
if not just run away the fuck out of there,wrestle someone with
a knife is a risk,unless you don’t any other option
and you know what you doing.
I’m an odd duck in that I’m very much a Liberal progressive, but I live in a bad enough neighborhood, that I carry a Glock 36. And If i get mugged, they won’t get it thrown at them, I know how it works. :/
And people wonder why the USA would conquer Canada in 25 minutes…
I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the White House you had to rebuild because someone came and burned it down.
White House 1.0 sucked anyway. The fire gave us an excuse to upgrade.
I see the gun didn’t work because he’s a Nokia.
pshh stupid arg, they got rid of the lead in them so it doesn’t have poison anymore, now they are just like any other blunt throwing weapons, i would have went for a throwing hammer.