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oh my. Gameboy DS with first generation pokemon swap… something’s off here
3ds xl. you can see the zelda model in there.
oh yeah, so sexy.
It would be an pleasure, and an honour, to trade pokemon with you. Keep up making these awesome cartoons.
All I have are bidoofs
deal! I love bidoof
I have some zubats to trade
What else ?
Ah, I see you two should be nominated for a Darwin Award if you keep playing these kinds of bed games…
we’re not that dumb…
We’ll see, when Lynn Junior or Mini-Arg is born…

Btw, one in five newborns are Chinese. Could be Lin Junior instead.
Do you eat a lot pf Chinese food?
And the Darwin award goes to you!
If they’re making out of game addendums to their trades, they should win the opposite of a Darwin Award, whatever that would be.
“I’ll give you my Wigglytuff for your Eevee and an ear nibble…”
“Add a back rub to your Wigglytuff, and you’ve got a deal.”
I see Lynn has become rather attached to her rabbit onesie!
Oh yeah, she never takes it off.
it’s the greatest
Oh Arg… Lynn shouldn’t have to ask if you’re in. She should KNOW when you’re in.
She’s not psychic type. She’s more fight type.
The special edition with the Triforce on it. Nice.
oh yeah, bday gift to myself.
i have the same 3ds!
Mine gets me so much ass. Bitches love Triforces.
No flannel pants?!
I forgot.
Oh man.
I really want both of your friend codes now ;w;
I have alllllllll the starters.
I am 56 pokemon short of dex completion. :33
Wait, by drawing yourself having the limited edition Zelda 3ds, I assume you have the zelda 3ds….. Whenever I went to buy it, it was sold out, so I gae up and got the mario and luigi 3ds.
I ordered mine from amazon. They had a ton at gamestop over the holidays. I grabbed one for my dad for xmas.
I do prefer my PC, but on the other hand – FEZ POSTER!
So now they rearranged the sofa and added the bed. After all these 2 years.
You kids these days. #pokemonsextime
Aw lucky. My girlfriend only wants to have sex.