At ConBravo I picked up a gameboy and a Gameboy advance SP and made me realize I’m old and I’m stuck in the past…
Check out the ARG Facebook Page for all sorts of Info and latest updates and follow me on Twitter @IamARG where I miss my wife…
At ConBravo I picked up a gameboy and a Gameboy advance SP and made me realize I’m old and I’m stuck in the past…
Check out the ARG Facebook Page for all sorts of Info and latest updates and follow me on Twitter @IamARG where I miss my wife…
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Jul 24-26th ConBravo
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But at least it would have been a fulfilling life!
I’m just thinking about the games I never played and probably never will.
I need a goddamn bucket list NOW
Dear god do I feel like that a lot.
On a different note, is that a Nu I spy on your wall?
Oh man, Final Fantasy 3 (6) Final Fantasy 2 (4) Secret of Mama AND Earthbound.
The funny/scary thing is that I have similar thoughts when I get nostalgic about old games too. Just something about acknowledging time passing & all that.
I like the Nu on the wall (Chrono Trigger must be one of the other games you’re holding there)
Man. I wish my mom hadn’t thrown all my old games away…
Th-thrown… away?!
Seriously, your comment makes me cry, more than the comic even. What good reason could a person possibly have to throw away games?
Well my old Sega Master System II has broken down a few years prior and I haven’t been searching for a new one since I was a little kid and didn’t know they could still be bought. The games where in the cellar for a few years (At least I think) until my mom decided they weren’t usefull anyomre and chucked them away.
Something similar happened witha collection of Clever & Smart comics I had.
better than what happened to this one guy, he posted that his religious nut mom, (his words) threw away all of his D& D books, manuals and figures as he was somehow being possessed by the devil, he had every one up to that point and they were all first editions, she just boxed them up and threw them in the trash even though he had earned every penny to pay for them, and whats more the cops wouldnt do anything about it as he was still not a legal adult and they said it was her right as his mother to destroy his property if she wanted regardless of who paid for it.
That is just soul shattering awefull
There should be laws against such things.
there are laws, including where the guy lived, he looked it up, but the cops refused to enforce them and the kid couldn’t afford a lawyer until statute of limitations was up, and CPS didn’t consider it abuse ( that branch of CPS doesn;t believe in emotional abuse)
I had some of the most fun game playing days of my life on the old NES! Good times, good times….
NU!!!! Chrono Trigger! No I want my wife to take a business vacation so I can bust out a 3 night Chrono Trigger marathon.
Oops. “Now I want my wife….”
I still have my Super Nintendo and it still works. This made me feel nostalgic. I might play something on it tonight.
Be happy, for we are all dying
Welcome to adulthood, here’s a complimentary sound of your life ticking away.
…But that opera scene WAS awesome.
Not old Arg, you just appreciate what you have now and have had.
what pisses me off is when a parent buys their kid a 500 dollar system
they cant afford to try and make their kid happy and that little brat
screams and raises a fit because it’s not the 900 dollar upgraded system
that they wanted.
You’re going to die some day, yes . . . but you’re going to live today!
Cherish the old memories, and make some new ones (with your own geeky offspring, if at all possible).
And remember, A.R.G.; you have a legacy greater than most: You have a webcomic that more than a dozen people check regularly!
Angry video game nerd may take you back to the past.
I want my PS1 back…. *sniff*