Check out the ARG facebook group for my 3DS friend code so we can Smash.
When a new Smash comes out, you know shit’s about to hit the hyperdrive
It must really be true love between Lynn and ARG, after all, that’s the only possible reason Lynn would put up with ARGs, shall we say ‘unique’ personality! 🙂
I hate it when people will only play Final Destination no items! And when it’s their game, you have no choice but to do it that way!
You don’t like fighting games?
Best of luck to you Lynn! I’ll be cheering for you!
Thanks for reminding me to play the demo.
Thanks for reminding me to play that demo.
I love this. Thank you.
Uhmmm… I think I missed the joke….
and the next doesn’t come for another hour…
I have been looking all over for someone who brought back this Joke. THANK YOU.
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When a new Smash comes out, you know shit’s about to hit the hyperdrive
It must really be true love between Lynn and ARG, after all, that’s the only possible reason Lynn would put up with ARGs, shall we say ‘unique’ personality! 🙂
I hate it when people will only play Final Destination no items! And when it’s their game, you have no choice but to do it that way!
You don’t like fighting games?
Best of luck to you Lynn! I’ll be cheering for you!
Thanks for reminding me to play the demo.
Thanks for reminding me to play that demo.
I love this. Thank you.
Uhmmm… I think I missed the joke….
and the next doesn’t come for another hour…
I have been looking all over for someone who brought back this Joke. THANK YOU.