The sacrifices Lynn and I make to save the children. We really are heroes.
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The sacrifices Lynn and I make to save the children. We really are heroes.
Hey did you know you can buy ARG Comic prints? Check out my PRINT SHOP for details!
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The little vibration animation was just intermittent enough that I missed it at first glance and started wondering whether I’d had a bit too much caffeine today.
I wondered about that too. Made me go fuzzy in the head for a moment!
And that is why I shouldn’t read this right after finishing a day of work.
This reminds me of a scene in a cartoon I watched recently! I can’t remember which one cos I watch pretty much all of ’em!
I can’t hear the phrase “Suqar Rush” without thinking of that song from Wreck It Ralph.
I can’t hear the phrase “Sugar Rush” without thinking of Gravity Rush
I want to fly, what specific candy did they eat?
If raisins are a sin, I’m probably doomed.
Lynn so thoughtful.
dont worry…you wont be hated for not giving out candy….kids only hate peopel who give out SUGARFREE candy :l
like a slap in the face e_e
If sugar rush would grant flying abilities…
The on lem with ea at much ndy is th , for a wh terward, your mole les tend to pha ut of exist ce for a ile.
…dammit, it happened again….
Gd thi n rad nne exitin lers.
Did the same thing by eating 5 pounds of peppermint fudge