It’s just a question…
It’s just a question…
Mar 27-29thEmerald City Comic Con
April 16th-19th Calgary Comic Expo
Jul 24-26th ConBravo
Sep 3rd-6th Fanexpo
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Man I wish my wallpaper would change colors like that
One of your best yet. Make them regulars hahahaha
Yup, that’s pretty much my parents in a nutshell. if I’m going out for any other reason other than heading off to work or school, they automatically think that I’m either going to participate in a massive club of debauchery and sin, or I’m out to buy and take ALL OF THE DRUGS.
Apparently I did a LOT as a kid! My Mum came close to madness from it more than once!
Goddamn it, Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy ruined the punchline for me!
Why? It’s still enoyable.
I did this a few times growing up and now sometimes wonder how I’m alive.
Aren’t you?
Okay, lady. I love you. Buh-bye!
I didn’t expect this kind of Spanish Inquisision…..
NOOOOOObody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Toddler Mom! This Fall, only on Fox.
I’m just going to assume that some birth papers got mixed up so she is officially an adult, and she decided to adopt kids.
Okay Lady Buh Bye!
This is so inappropriately appropriate.