Welcome to Part 2 of Vas Deferens and The Seminal Vessel. Part 1 is here.
I’ve got an idea of where I’d like to take this expect more episodes!
The Comic mix NSFW Webcomic nominations have been tallied and voting has started! I am ARG is up for voting now! I usually don’t ask you guys to vote (I even took down the TWC buttons) but I’m curious to see how well we can do with during this Tournament! So if you’ve got some time to spend a couple of clicks today why not throw them towards Voting for I am ARG! you can vote for multiple comics and you don’t have to sign up or anything! Obviously this is a Not Safe For Work Webcomic Competition, so practice caution when viewing the other nominees sites (the voting page itself is Safe For Work).
Thanks guys!
Hah! Facebook grammar nazis, ironic innit?!
I know eh? That guy…
Wow, Andrew. I think I might absolutely adore this strip, with all it’s colors and jazzy jizz. That should make its way into ALL churches. See to this, k?
I’m going to submit it to the watchtower.
Jizzus Christ…. That’s all I got.
But I am looking forward to more of Mr. Deferens, and the possibilities of his are nemesis.
Oh wait, face melting money shot.
That one works… and I’m glad you like it, You guys have no idea…
Well, I didn’t see that one…cumming! Ahahaha…no? Is this thing on?
OH HO HO I semen what you did there…
Oh cum on, all the good puns have been taken. I look forward to future Vas Deferans episodes. Is it weird that I predic that his arch enemy will have an equally clever name genitals based name?
That’s a safe assumption.
I’m gone 2 months in Europe, and this is what I stumble upon when I get back? fuckin amazing is what gotta say 😀 wonder what other things you can penetrate lol
Welcome back! I hope your time in Europe was fun!
Omg Colour \o/ Haha, one more epic series ! 😀
Yeah, I really liked how the colour turned out on this one.
As a Christian, I just want to say….
This made me laugh. It was an excelent pun and one I was never expecting. Though, I am at a bit off a loss as to what it has to do with performance anxiety.
it’s just an aside joke. Thought it was funny…
This is soooo clever….. The Jizz of the Lord? loving it. Hey.. maybe they can stumble into Vishru’s holy poop too.
lol, I’ll look into it. I’m still writing this as I go.
“Even God has performance anxiety…”
Nah, God of the Old Testament would have been mightier than thou and smite-ier than thou, too. No way He would have been limp in his day…
It was over compensation…
Limpier than thou as well?…
Is it ok if I print and post this, ARG? No worries, I’ll leave the credits on it, I just *really* think there’s a bible-thumper in my building who’d either rage about this or he’d love it and put it on his fridge.
Either way, spreading *this* word is awesome.
Ideally I’d want you to buy a print of it but since I don’t offer that (yet), I give you full permission to print it off as long as the credit is still on it. Thanks!
Left my Apt. Number on the back, and came and told me he loved it. I do believe you have a new reader.
Turns out he’s actually a Biology professor, and he has a bible-thumper roomie (who recently moved out), who I heard through the floor. Spread the word of ARG and make a friend in the building, it was a good day.
There is a strip I want to get, actually, once they do go up for sale… why not set up a way to sell digitals and let us download them? I can’t imagine it’d be too hard.
In Latin Jizz is spelled with an “I”!
is that a capital I or a L?
Its a sideways W.
I get it… it’s turned towards the camera.
This guys good! But seriously, I’m putting in my Vote for Vas Deferens Fridays. VDF! VDF! VDF!
Nice job with the colored effects with lighting, heh, jizz shaped vial.
Thanks dude! Yeah I’m proud at how this strip turned out. the rough didn’t seem that cool.
You leave us with epic spooge of this nature on a FRIDAY?!!?! We have to wait aaaaalllllll weekend to see if it continues, or if we have to wait longer. You’re an evil man ARG. EVIL! I propose that all of us male readers send him bottles of our man goo in protest! Female readers (if there really are such things on the internet) can find a suitable sperm donor to participate I’m sure. Yetti’s (if there really are such things on the internet (and I’m not prepared to live in a world where there aren’t)) you can find a suitable bottle donor to participate I’m sure.
Updates for this series will be sporadic in nature. I love this idea too much to just rush it out to capatilise on its (somewhat) Popularity. I’ll attempt to keep it fairly regular in updates but If I don’t have a solid next part I won’t update.
If you don’t have a solid next part there’s all sorts of medications and devices available to remedy that. There’s even products that will reportedly increase the size of your next part. Seemed to work for Bob on those commercials, he’s always got the great big smile and admiration of all present.
oh man i love these comics
Thanks! I love making em!
Al the good puns have been taken.
Damn. I’ll just say jizz.
Got to get in early! all that’s left is sloppy seconds, dirty thirds and filthy fourths
I can’t stop laughing at this every time I find myself back here.
I can wait until he meets Princess Labia