Lynn and I have been going to a lot of weddings lately and we haven’t even got to our own. We’ve been practicing our dance moves.
Learn to boogie at the I am ARG Facebook Page and follow my daily exploits on my twitter account @IamARG
Lynn and I have been going to a lot of weddings lately and we haven’t even got to our own. We’ve been practicing our dance moves.
Learn to boogie at the I am ARG Facebook Page and follow my daily exploits on my twitter account @IamARG
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Where’s the eyebleach when you need it?
And am I the only one who keeps pressing the RANDOM button instead of the COMMENTS button?
Twerk hard or go home.
Twerk Arg!
At first I was going to comment how you are a foam finger and a bra away from a certain preformer we all well know right now…..
But then I saw your second comment and although it’s not nice to say things that might be hurtful, I got to give it up to Giant Space Squid in the second comment. It’s got to be quite hard to spell like that just right so that others can guess what one says and yet, it seems so far off that it’s hard to read…. I really have respect for people who master that language…. I know that I find it hard
Oh, the horror! The people in the background seem to be thinking the same! 😉
Now that’s what I call dancing!
We can all dance better than Miley, let’s get that out of the way.
He stole my move!
Put your ass in the air like you just don’t care!
Lynn looks like she wasn’t prepared for what was going on in the last panel.
How could you, Arg…
Lynn should know better by now, to be honest.
We can dance if we want to
You dance like a spastic jackrabbit!
I have seen better in sfm- hearts on fire by ethiomod.
We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind. Cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance well they’re no friends of mine.