Apologies for the lack of comic on Wednesday. All this week I’ve been really sick with a bad Flu. I could barely get out of bed, let alone draw anything. I’m just now getting over it and getting back to work. So thanks for your patience guys. Things are getting back on track.
Some times when I’m writing comics. I come up with a setup that allows for a bunch of different punchlines. And me being an indecisive person I’ll explore em all. So here are some alternate punchlines for today’s comic.
Have a good weekend guys.
You chose the best one!
Kind of reminds me of Nightmare from Metroid Fusion.
Him and Lynn are on the poster :3
Loving the “Robot no Student Card” ad in the background! :3
You should’ve done what most web comic artists do, save those for days you have to miss… like wednesday
Glad you did not use 2 or 6 – those would not have survived the trip across the Atlantic – no such medicines here (UK)!
Glad you’re feeling better ARG, but I think Lynn was probably right though; if your skin melts off, you should definitely see a doctor. Or a mortician…
Well I hope you get fully healed real soon. I know the feeling though, got a virus that simulates and ear infection, but since it’s a virus, I need to grin and bare it.
and yes, you did pick the right one. hazaa! Although “grin and bare it” now seems like a pun on you in the last panel….
Oh and koodos on adding the Robot No Student Card poster in the background… Although I still don’t get why a robot would want to possess a student card….
Durr, because possessing a student card would have kept them out of Robot War. They’re obsessed with them!
So “It’s only a flesh wound” was one of the alternatives. “I think I’m going for a walk! I feel happy, HAPPY!”
I think the Tylenol ending was better but I love that you included all the punch lines. Thanks for at least letting us know why there was no comic. Otherwise we would have a reason to form an angry mob. I gotta get my fix of the webcomics!
Did you lose some weight too? 🙂 You could have used that as a punchline…
The flesh wound came in a close second for me. You could market that weight loss plan and retire next month.
“Although I do feel a draft.”
That’s it, honey…the Arc of the Covenant goes BACK IN THE GARAGE.
I always just assumed your bones would be made of
penises, my mistake.
Ha! I’ve been down with bronchitis since Tues…. Phlegm Factories Unite!
In other news, I seriously suspect that my boyfriend and I can relate to you and Lynn far more than what we should…
Should’ve used the its just a flesh wound.
Should’ve been “I just need some human flesh.”*cough*theincredblemeltingman*cough*
All it takes is water, it even boosts metabolism.