Some animals hibernate in the winter. I hibernate in the summer.
Apologies for the delay on today’s comic, I’m under the weather.
Some animals hibernate in the winter. I hibernate in the summer.
Apologies for the delay on today’s comic, I’m under the weather.
Mar 27-29thEmerald City Comic Con
April 16th-19th Calgary Comic Expo
Jul 24-26th ConBravo
Sep 3rd-6th Fanexpo
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Cheers! That is freaking funny, and get better with exclamation!
+1 geek points to all who recognize the character in the poster in the background. Damn Nu!
Recognizing a Nu doesn’t really require the administration of these…
“Geek Points”.
But memorizing all those combo attack names would require large amounts of geekitude.
Hibernation in the summer is known as estivation and is exercised mainly by animals in a desert environment, or occasionally by humans that love the cold, eg. the famed Andrew Gregoire.
That looks very comfy. I would like to sleep in that.
I was thinking just the other day that I should start hibernating in the summer…good to know I’m not alone in thinking that way!
I say hibernate, it’ll make you feel better! Always works for me! 🙂
Nothing like a good cocoon once in a while (especially if it has a bit of whiskey too).
More like a nest.