Results so far have been inconclusive. Babies are far too wiggly.
Results so far have been inconclusive. Babies are far too wiggly.
Mar 27-29thEmerald City Comic Con
April 16th-19th Calgary Comic Expo
Jul 24-26th ConBravo
Sep 3rd-6th Fanexpo
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I cringe at the thought of what you will post when you actually DO have a kid
It has begun! !
I think you you may have misunderstood the process there!
I’m imaging a spare babies box off panel is where that was found to experiment on.
Gotta know how they tick.
By the way thank you so much Andrew for posting these comic-strips recently had to catch up with them again as you’ve been pretty busy making them.
But even reading so many at a time I allways wonder how you manage to keep if fresh and funny.
Again thank you a lot for brightening my daily life keep on rocking!
(You got at least one fan in Switzerland) 😀
Kthx bye
Post final panel: If she waited, she’s a keeper, experiment is a go. If she righteously ran away, that’s probably best for the baby. Results inconclusive. If she hid the baby, she’s too smart, and I should get out while I’ll still can.
9 months later:
“This thing doesn’t match the specs at all, honey what happened?”
Lynn; “Sorry dear but I only supplied half the working blueprints, you supplied the other half”
Arg: “Damit.”
…easy, Steve, easy…yours will be in stores while this Johnny-come-lately’s still grappling with the Diaper Matrix!