Like most of you, I’m a slave to the little gauge at the top of the phone screen.
Check me out on Twitter at @IamARG or follow the ARG Facebook group for all the latest ARG stuffs.
Like most of you, I’m a slave to the little gauge at the top of the phone screen.
Check me out on Twitter at @IamARG or follow the ARG Facebook group for all the latest ARG stuffs.
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This looks like that scene in “The Punisher” where the guy needs to hold a grenade with an outstretched arm (and the pin is tied with a string to the roof.)
Also, who can we bribe to make charging cables longer?!
why need long cables when you can just use movement to charge it? Seriously. Check out ampy!
That looks tremendously inconvenient! Do they not realise that the average person isn’t 8ft tall!
The question is why the loving creamed cheesed bagel Hell did the guys building the airport decide that all the outlets need to be a second story off of where the people are?
This is why if I know I”m going to need it I have a battery
about the size of a pack of cigarettes that can recharge my
phone from flat twice.
Why not just bring two extra batteries then? They will be a quarter that size.
How many phones have REMOVABLE batteries? And the Mini
battery will recharge anything, 3DS, iPod, ect.
ampy! Problem solved!
The majority of themo.o
Cell phones should start coming with battery packs that can recharge your phone during these emergencies.
Seriously, why are outlets up there anyway? Who looks at that and thinks that their day is saved because of an outlet that high up?
ever heard of the ampy? that gets the job done!
Not sure if you were trying for a “poignant art-film, yet funny” style, or just lamenting the ridiculousness of wall sockets being 12ft off the floor, but either way works. Well done! 🙂
just had a battery issue today. My iPhone 6 has been getting more impossible to charge until today it just wouldn’t plug in. I stuck a paperclip in the power port and scraped out a wad of lint. Battery charges fine now!
Not a funny story… just relevant