So as I was drawing yesterdays comic this came into my head continuing the idea a little further. I’m always getting ideas like this where things just get absurdly epic and usually ends in my death… I really REALLY want to do another storyline soon. I’ve got some ideas kicking around for one that’s epic and ARG related… I also wanna do something seperate from ARG like a small 8-10 page one off of something epic, yet funny, yet simple in idea.
There’s a problem I run into doing a Semi-Autobiographical comic. I hate making myself a hero. You’ll notice anytime I put myself in a position where I win I try to either make me an undeniably huge asshole about it or I get what’s deserved. It’s cool to be the winner sometimes and it’s nice to write a comic where you seem like your the witty perfect human that always overcomes but that gets really annoying to read if it’s in every comic. That’s the trouble I come across with ARG. It’s a comic influenced by the things that happen in my life but I’m a flawed human and I hope that comes across in the comic. Pardon my self reflection here. I just felt I need to say that, To make it apparent to everybody that I’m aware of certain things.
Well how about some Poison Ivy Fanart? YES? no… oh well here have it anyways…
You can follow my Twitter at @IamARG or join the I am ARG facebook group or check out my DeviantArt for more of these sketches!
Ugh let’s hope I don’t have a stomach flu tomorrow… lol
Headshot. Bonus points.
Jeff Goldblum is sick at Counter Strike.
How many points for 3 headshot with 1 bullet?
This is just too good, your comedy gold mine never runs out XD
Well thank you. It’s hard work in the mine. But I sift through all that to bring you the purest comedy nuggets.
Little do they know it’s all fool’s gold!
And so, the legacy of a great man comes to heed at the feet of Death. Let his name forever live
ARG is dead, Long live ARG.
I get the feeling this is becoming more than an autobiographical comic!
SHHHHH… You’re killing the fun…
I am afraid of a fly uprising now.
Giant flies in the streets, beating the shit out people. D:<
It’s inevitable… You might as well just welcome your insect overlords now.
This may be my favorite one yet, that middle panel made me lose it.
Lol nice… I always wonder if I hit the mark with ideas like this…
That’s bullshit. We all know the real shooter was on the greasy roll. Forward and to the right. Forward and to the Right. Flea Harvey Onwall was framed! Framed I tell you!
Lol Flea Harvey Onwall, now that’s funny.
It was the 3rd cockroach under the bypass.
truly, that is a ‘buzz kill’.
*sad trombone* lol
i smell a conspiracy!
I smell justified vengeance…
He never asked for this…
I can’t believe drawing this only takes you an hour to make! your drawing is great even the rifle is perfect! I love your work is simply brilliant!
Heh thanks, lately these have been taking longer and I do use reference when ever I can especially on technical things like guns.
Nicely done, sir! though you missed a perfect chance to do a kaleidoscope in the first frame, what with flies having hundreds of mini-eyes and all. :p
i though of that, and thought it might give away the 3rd frame plus… FUCK KALEIDOSCOPE EFFECT??? try doing that in sketchbook pro… FUCK THAT…
First time a fly has stayed in one spot…
I know the feeling. It’s like they have a sixth sense that tells them “That human just picked up a flyswatter. HIDE!”
Hmm, an Arctic Warfare. You have good taste in sniper rifles.