To an Insomniac any amount of sleep is great to have…
This comic is some gentle ribbing towards some webcomic friends… the story goes like this…
We’re all hanging out in a… Google Hangout and shit, it got late. I decided well damn, I should probably go to bed and get a decent nights sleep. I thank everybody for the awesome chat session and announce my departure. I am immediately inundated with the second panel there…okay in all fairness, maybe some of it was made up, but the spirit of the backlash is essentially correct. Being one to not bow to pressure I give a hardy “Go fuck yourselves” and then go to bed. The next morning I awake to see my twitter feed (@IamARG if you don’t already follow me) and low and behold the same people rediculing me for leaving to get a good nights rest, are now complaining about a lack of sleep.
I love you guys… in all your funny ways.
Another winner by my standards…. fantastic job.
Scarlett Johansson is really hot.
I live off of 2-3 hours of sleep a night.
Haha I can see that Denis was a part of that particular hangout from that second panel.
This comic had more pussy than you could shake a stick or wang at.
I normally cant sleep on week days until I read your new post. Your comics lol me to sleep.
Insomnia my cruel mistress. Put simply I forgot sunshine, due to eventually passing out from lack of sleep.
college + me = no sleep
Yup… this is EXACTLY what happens, EVERY time Andrew leaves a hang out.
…except the orgy starts immediately after.. and that’s why we’re all so tired in the morning. ^_~
what’s funny is that it’s always all straight guys… and they make fun of me liking dick to much…
Psh, Laura is in there sometimes. SHE’S A GIRL!
In that case wouldn’t Andrew be even less interested? Heyooooooo
I wish we were all in the same timezones to use Hangouts. While oyu are all sleeping I am up and active and have nobody to talk to!
I’m sorry! I’m too busy SLEEPING to hangout, sometimes. >.<
I can't believe I missed another hangout. <3
Told you that you needed to go to bed.
As an insomniac myself, who is also in college, I have adapted to getting sleep only when I can spare a good twelve hours of unconsciousness.
Reminds me of my LAN party days, just replace that coffee with Mountain Dew and the first person asleep with graffiti on his face.
i suck at sleeping. even when i do sleep, it’s like the sleep a shovelware wii game gets. yeah.
So true… But I found a way so prevent such situations. Just leave silently leaving the others to wonder why you’re not saying anything anymore.
This also works on parties where you’re the host. Just make sure that your guest know where the fridge is and they will be happy until you’re getting up again…
I’m with you, Andrew. 6-7 hours minimum, else “Davie brain no workee”… That being said, slave traders would probably be appalled at the types of work output I do sometimes.
Though like some of the others have mentioned, insomnia is no fun. I usually say i’m going to bed and then just lay there watching TV xD
another comic artist I read usually sleeps about 6 hours every 36 hours… I have another who’s on the everyman schedule and sleeps every few hours, but only winds up sleeping about 3 hours a day.
I have an irresistible urge to turn your smug look into a meme…
Clone High referances making a great comic even greater.
ugh, i’ve been living off of about 4 hours of sleep a night for a good 6 years. isnt fun
I have maybe 4 hours a day to draw because of work and sexytime.
I posted on Twitter today about how jealous I am of artists with no jobs! I miss the days of 6am bedtimes and 2pm mornings. Ahhhh University.
Sleep is overrated. I get by fine on………. Huh what?
The Clone High reference is my favourite!
And by that, I mean my favourite reference I’ve ever seen in any comic ever. Because Clone High is fricking awesome.
Also, Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sleep is a precious commodity.