My urine talks to me all the time. It’s always trying to take the piss out of me.
Normally I fill this next paragraph with art work and such, But I’ve been busy with working on commissions and doing some freelance work. I guess I’ll just talk about some things I want to do around the site and open it up to you guys for suggestions. I’m planning on adding a fan-art section, a links section and re-doing some sections of the site to make it more attractive. So if you see something out of whack in the coming month, fret not. I’m also open to your suggestions guys, would a forum be something you guys would want?
If you’ve got fan-art or want to make some fan-art for the fan-art section, send me an email with it! The link is the little mail icon on the left hand side! If you’ve sent me some before re send it. some of my email from last year has disappeared on me…
Happy Wednesday!
Fan art you say?
That is some crappy fanart.
Well I’m a shitty artist.
I seriously lol’d though… like out loud like the abbreviation states.
“True love” The state in which two or more people comfortably and actively act as weird as they possibly can with each other. Common occurrence’s include but are not limited to: Toilet humor (haha you tooted), random prehistoric animal noises, and initiating coitus by putting a clothes hamper onto ones head and saying you’re a space man.
Not my clothes hamper, it’s the devil in disguise. Don’t ask long story.
I’m asking, a wooooooooot??
Kind of makes me want to watch Princess Bride. So cute.
Any reason is a good reason to watch princess bride.
Especially no reason at all… everyone needs to have seen it… twice!
I have no idea what is happening in this comic.
If you made a sweater out of steel wool, would you end up with some kind of chainmail?
I want one. I’ll let you know.
Yes, In fact that is how chaiail is made. Don’t question it. Wikipedia lies.
Yarn and poop jokes! Brilliant!
awwww shoot, i don’t think I’m gonna play the first comment game any more ;-; all well it was a good run. I should have retired when i was on a winning streak.
also an actual comment, this comic give me hope that i to will someday find a girl whose ok with weird and random comments…some day
I wouldn’t say she’s more okay with it, more like tolerating it.
It’s kind of nice seeing people this comfortable around each other.
We’re too comfortable sometimes.
Your face in the final panel… it’s so empty and desperate XD
I started trying to redraw the expression the moment I saw it.
Lol, trying to relate the plight of the poops.
So, obviously not the point, but does she knit or crochet?
Crochet. Mad crochet.
Blue Face Leicester sounds like a local cheese. Do you get Leicester Cheese in Canada?!
That’s some hot boob/hat action going on there!
Also, the second panel made me burst out laughing, and my gf snickered a bit.
I’m totally loving this one, ARG, you’ve done it again~
That’s the first time I’ve seen any of Lynn below the waist! I always thought she was wearing a skirt.
My question is why do i have only one leg?
You have two dear I moved the art down so it eventually dissapeared… I can show you the original.
Did she get up from the ground from panel 3 to panel 4 with you still holding onto her her? Strong lady.
bleh, I typo’d.
I think somebody’s due for a steel wool pullover in the near future…
I just wanted to write something smart and witty, but my brain decided that the sandwich I just ate should be filled with poison and rat feet, so I panicked and forgot what I wanted to write… Sometimes I hate my brain, but I agree. Letting your poops out is very important, they didn’t invent the poop deck for nothing.
Did she just fart in your face? Wow.. That is true love.
This comic needs to be flushed down the toilet.
The thing is, I keep staring at the last 2 panels where Lynn’s breasts are on top of your head. It was a very nice detail to add..
epic boobs? check*