It’s an ARG family tradition where on Xmas morn we eat several different types of bacon for brunch. It’s an excellent tradition I plan on upholding.
I hope your holidays were filled with cool moments and even cooler people. If there was no cool people around that means you were the cool one. So take solace in that and if you haven’t played Frog Fractions Merry Xmas… the only clue I’ll give is “down”.
So… The last couple of weeks have been a little hectic even without the holidays. I know the update schedule here has suffered because of it and I thank you guys for the Patience. If you follow me on twitter you already know this story. The week before I was sick I had mentioned and even made a comic about going in for an interview with an Animation company. Well the week I was sick I was called in to do an animation test. Which is basically me just animating a short piece (in this case a 400 frame scene) as a test of current animation abilities. I was sick when I went in, but came out confident that I had done a great job on the test. Well it looks like I did, because the next day I got the job. I’m not sure If I’m allowed to really talk about the show, but it’s a really slick looking kids show that’s funny and is going to be super fun to animate on. I’m looking forward to it.
can u make that bacon in to…….. BACON CAKE
Congrats on the job! I’m sure you’ll do great 😀 How likely is it you’ll get to hide tiny dicks in random keyframes?
Congratulations ARG! That’s amazing! You can’t talk about it because it’s for training children to be super secret spies right?
That’s so awesome ARG! (About the show thing. I mean baconmas is great would just be hard for everyone to hold as I have two vegetarian sisters)
Bravo on finding employment! Your traditions sound delicious and if there are that many kinds of bacon I have yet to sample, I have much work to do!
bacon burger with a side salad of bacon strips drizzled with bacon bits and bacon sundae for dessert.
What is this “the Patience” you speak of? I have not heard of such a thing over my many years on the Internets…
Grats on the job. And *of course* he’ll do the penis thing. That’s pretty standard practice in cartoons for like the last 80 years. At least at some companies.
Hmmm… Is that… wait for it…. Canadian Bacon?
Congrats on the job
A few weeks ago I tried chocolate covered bacon for the first time.
Definitely worth a try! 😀
Mmmmm, so much bacon…….
Also, good luck with the new job, sounds awesome! 😉
BaconMas is my favorite holiday I just heard of!
Of course the Canadian would have circular bacon.
Sweet bacon jesus…couldn’t lin just reform the bacon into a vaguely egg shape? Also, is it me, or does that bacon pile look like its slowly getting up…