Ahhh, The first days of spring. The sunshine, the warm air. It feels great on the skin… It just makes everything happier.
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I love the guy in the background.
Once a ne’er-do-wel’ who merely lurked, empowered by my (entirely) requited love I now come to the comment section once more. You may remember me from such brief appearances as Josh (But Not That Josh) from the comment section of “In The Pit.”
I kid, though it is actually the same dude. I’m still loving your comic, man. Best wishes.
Wow, you definitely look fatter without your shirt.
And there’s one more city park you’re not allowed in.
or schoolyard…
I can only imagine why he does with pea soup fog!
He´s getting fatter every strip. Good to see he´s a good eater.
I must agree with Adren but add that within this strip, Arg gained at least ten pounds…. how odd. Anyways, I do love the guy in the background and have wondered what would happen if that guy was a girl…. Then I tip my Mercury brushed hat to you because I realize that if it was a girl, with such strips as your adult video strip, I realize that you are giving us mear mortals a futile attempt to maintain our manlyhood in the world. Thank you Arg.
I must agree with Adren but add that within this strip, Arg gained at least ten pounds…. how odd. Anyways, I do love the guy in the background and have wondered what would happen if that guy was a girl…. Then I tip my Mercury brushed hat to you because I realize that if it was a girl, with such strips as your adult video strip, I realize that you are giving us mear mortals a futile attempt to maintain our manlyhood in the world. Thank you Arg.
Is that what they call a Weather Vein?
My god, that shirt must be magical. Either that, or Arg can collapse his organs momentarily to allow himself to fit in his slim attire.
Ah, living in the sunlight…
It almost look like background grey person has thier head tilted out of curiosity.
His shirt must be by Spanx. (; First thing I thought. Keeps him looking svelte.
I’m pretty cynical about alot of things on the internet, especially things that like to fit into a specific category and be that way, but dammit if that isn’t the funniest fake eCard that I’ve ever seen.