Today marks two years of I am ARG! Two years ago I posted the first ARG comic to facebook and it’s been a crazy ride. This past year has been crazy. I put out a book, I’ve done three cons, made lots of great comic friends and made some of best comics.
I want to thank every single one of you guys and gals for making this whole thing possible. Without your continued support this comic wouldn’t be what it is today! I’ve met so many of you at conventions and you’ve made this whole comic thing amazing. So again, thank you for all your support.
Year three is already shaping out to be crazy year, I’ve got lots planned for the coming year. More convention appearances, an upcoming anthology story, an artbook, another ARG book, a site redesign, more merchandise and of course lot’s of dick jokes.
Here’s to another year of ARG!
Congrats Arg. Now if it can stop smearing poop all over the internet.
It’s a hard habit to break.
2 YEARS!!!??? Congrats dude. You lasted longer than Firefly.
Hush Lewiki you are inviting the curse of Whedon upon the comic with that comment
I’m going for arrested development, get cancelled in the 3rd season come back on netflix with a full season.
Sounds like a great plan
It all started with a girl from Oakville….
I wonder what happened to her.
Didn’t she get killed by Dick-Fu in a flashback?
Can’t believe its been two years, the dick jokes sure make time fly. Congrats and heres to more years to come!
Thanks! let’s hope I can keep it up. *bah dum tsh*
For he’s a jolly dick fellow, for he’s a jolly dick fellow, for he’s a jolly dick fellow which nobody can deny!!!!! well we can, we just can’t do it without lying…..
nobody denies the ARG!
That, my dear fellow, is quite undeniable.
Congratulations on making it to two years! I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve got planned for us
It should be fun…
Congrats! Glad I could be a reader just before I Am Arg’s 2nd Anniversary!
Welcome to the fun party!
Grats buddy, its been a great read. You have a great thing going.
Thanks big BK!
Congrats on doing the comic for 2 year!
Conglaturation !!!
You have made a great Webcomic.
And prooved the justice of our culture.
No go and rest our Hero !
But, no one dislikes Legos…
Must Lego Harder
Thank you for two years of great comics, bonus works and the well put together book which have made my mornings at work a bit brighter! Looking forward to all your future works!
No man, Thank you for being an awesome reader.
Big wet congratulations on the milestone, ARG! I must admit though, that I can’t stop wondering now about how many butts have actually been in I Am ARG over the past 2 years! I’m not going to be able to sleep for weeks now!
I may have exaggerated the amounts in the second panel…
Yay! Congrats!
Thanks dude!
Congratulations! 2 years already, wow! I can’t imagine how my days would look like without my dose of Arg
Keep it up!
Happy I could help. You’re awesome ARG. Here’s to many more years of loving your work!
Happy two-year anniversary! Keep up the great work.
I just realized I’m one of the original readers, and I’ve never posted a comment yet, or any of that. :O
Happy Second Birthday Arge
Congrats! I just came back to this after like a year of forgetting webcomics exist. I have so many dick jokes to catch up on!
We all raise (a glass?) in your honor!
Have you set any goals for this next year? I recommend you make your next goal “More Butts”.
Congrats on your two years and many more
awww.. look at the cute little baby comic strip…