Every Tattoo tells a story… and every story is magic.
Here’s a wallpaper of the Tattoo on the last panel. Never say I don’t take care of my Brony readers…
I can’t tell you the amount of research went into today’s comic. I make a point of being somewhat accurate.. But god damn, Pinkie Pie relax with the parties…
Okay, so usually I link the I am ARG facebook Page with something relating to the comic but I think you ought to be Ponied out by now. So go there for some awesome up to date ARG information!
Also, you can follow me on twitter for all my random thoughts and that’s usually the best way to converse with me.
peace out holmes!
You draw MLP really good… repeatedly. Are you working on MLP at your other job?
It was a sad day for us all but we soldier on!
The second one kinda hits me in the feels..
Fucking ponies everywhere…. I really hate how they pretty much permeate the internet by now.
Ponies: Still a better bandwagon than Anonymous.
I remember back during SOPA and the CIA “website” hack (quotes on “website” because of XKCD’s 932), there was this huge wave of people with Anon avatars posting support for Anonymous not because they actually knew a thing about what they were doing, but because the masks were funny to look at in pictures.
yep. It was annoying as hell. 80% of teens weared that shit because it was cool and they feel like rebels because they spend their parents money for expensive hoods and mask with symbol of stupidity. 20% didn’t.
Bronies are Elite Tier geeks. They deserves support. If you tell on public that you are gay, public will applaud you that you are brave. If you tell that you are Brony, they will insult you that you are gay.
It’s a pure form of geekdom… people liking what they like because they like it, and fuck the naysayers.
It was the first time I could say that geek was finally mainstream, without any doubt. This is what I’ve wanted to happen for years!
go to Pinky’s parties or bad things happen.
This makes me feel better about my Shutterfly face tat.
Never does a 6 year old boy feel more like his mother wanted a daughter than when she takes him to a toy shop and buys him a My Little Pony! Truth!
I had ponies when I was boy. 18 years before it was cool. Not because mother wanted girl, but because they were cheap that time (probably china copy) and we were poor. Truth.
It is official. This comic can not get any better. Unless pony GIFs are added.
You draw tattoos well. Contemplating starting a side business?
I love you for my new Pinkie Pie background, thank you.
I’ve sat at my computer over the last 24 hour period reading your work.
As of this typing I have caught up with the updates.
I regret nothing.
Good job.
………………………………………………. Fucking bronies 🙁
i am so getting tattoo when i have children :O
and researching for comic is good cause you know…..knowing is half the battle. go joe! >_<
Bad Arg! No bronies here…