My mothers dog is just so full of love!
I wanted to post a link to my Deviantart page because I haven’t in a while and I think you readers might appreciate more art from me.
My mothers dog is just so full of love!
I wanted to post a link to my Deviantart page because I haven’t in a while and I think you readers might appreciate more art from me.
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Aw, he reminds me of my cat.
Actually a she but there was no way for you to tell really. Unless I drew doggie vag.
Kick the can…
Cheap, fun, and not played anymore cause of internet
Clearly, you’ve never played MM64/MMLegends
People still play kick the can ^__^
sometimes i load that game up just to kick that can…
A dogs love is unconditional, but cans are whores; they open up for anybody.
No sir richard 🙁
Look harder, it’s there.
New Arg style brand soda, Dick-A-Cola, available only at a dog’s tongue near you!
I love how easy it is sometimes to make a dog happy.
My old boston terrier (who died just over a year ago) loved to chase down balled up socks…. never saw him happier.
oh molly she is so lovablly silly unlike ryan who is just a big dumb dog who is lovable. miss those pooches.
The puns write themselves:
Cocka-Cola… Dr. Pecker… Orange Crotch… and up course 7-up, which doesn’t need any modification.
And this is what Valentine’s Day should be about. Wrapping our tongues around cans with pictures of a penis on it.
Such a powerful poetic puppy tongue!
Fourth panel is the same face I make when expressing my love.
I want to call that dog “Flat-top”